Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How UK Public Sector Organizations Can Craft an Effective Cyber Security Strategy

Organizations in the United Kingdom’s public sector face several challenges in terms of their digital security. Today, these companies must meet an increasing number of regulatory compliance obligations. GDPR likely sits near the top of UK public sector organizations’ list of responsibilities given the penalties they could incur should they fail to adequately protect EU citizens’ personal data.

Achieve CIS Compliance in Cloud, Container and DevOps Environments

If you are embracing DevOps, cloud and containers, you may be at risk if you’re not keeping your security methodologies up to date with these new technologies. New security techniques are required in order to keep up with current technology trends, and the Center for Internet Security (CIS) provides free cybersecurity best practices for many newer platforms.

Infosec Problems For 2019 and Beyond: Patching, Bug Bounties and Hype

Details of a Virtual Box 0-day privilege escalation bug were disclosed on GitHub earlier this week. This was the work of independent Russian security researcher Sergey Zelenyuk, who revealed the vulnerability without any vendor coordination as a form of protest against the current state of security research and bug bounty programs.


Throughout my years working with Unix flavoured environments, one of the headaches I’ve had to deal with is cron. Don’t get me wrong, I love cron, it’s a necessity for any operation of such servers, however, there usually comes a point when the size of list reaches a critical mass that makes visualising the execution times a challenge.

A Non-Partisan Threat: Cybersecurity and its Impact on Democracy

As part of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Lookout held a special briefing sponsored by Rep. Ted Lieu and Rep. Jim Longevin, that focused on how cybersecurity attacks can impact the entire democratic process -- from political campaigns and elections to journalists, lobbyists and activists that participate in the process. The session included a live demo of how a cyberattack could happen on a mobile device.

Egnyte Connect for Desktop 3.0: Design Meets Functionality

The first thing most of us notice after a major software update is a completely redesigned user interface. However, a new user experience is typically the result of a shift in product focus. In version 2.0, our primary focus was on intelligent data retrieval. The idea was to allow users to work on any file in the same way they would for files stored on their machine(s).