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Weekly Cyber Security News 16/11/2018

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. Quite an interesting stream of news this week, however, my choices this week focus on threat management. The first one, and its quite alarming and not at all funny, shows an example of someone didn’t accept reasonable proof of account ownership for a password reset – something many of us face with public websites.

Demo - Continuous security assessment for AWS

Netskope’s Continuous Security Assessment for AWS helps address the risk tied to misconfigurations that may lead to resources being inadvertently exposed to the internet. Netskope achieves this by continuously monitoring and auditing your AWS configuration, using the CIS benchmark, PCI-DSS, in addition to AWS best practices, to assess your compliance posture.

The Art and Science of Secure Coding: Key Practices that Stand Out

Flaws in code lines, file system and data input methods make up the core security vulnerability of any application. This is what we address through secure coding practices. Secure coding guidelines stand out as the last battling army before the enemy line of security risks and threats.

Top 10 PCI DSS Compliance Pitfalls

Despite the fact that PCI DSS has been in effect for over a decade, and most merchants are achieving compliance, some of the world’s largest retailers have been hit by to data breaches. The sad truth is that achieving compliance doesn’t guarantee data protection, even for large organizations. For example, more than five million credit card numbers were stolen in 2018 hacks of two major retailers.

Case Study: ionCube Encoder on BitBucket

Working with a wide variety of customers and technologies often brings interesting challenges and stories that usually end up buried in a support ticket never to see the light of day again. However, after a curious ticket regarding integration of our product into a BitBucket pipeline, we asked WeTek if they would like to contribute an article about this particular problem. Well, here it is, a great article highlighting the subtleties that can trip us up!

Why do we need automation in Security? - An Introduction to SOAR

Pick up any industry and you will realize that every one has gone through an evolution – from being entirely dependent on humans to being now run majorly by machines and automated processes. There comes a point, for every industry, where in order to function efficiently and effectively operate, automation becomes a necessity.