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Ransomware Losses Prompting Cyber Insurers to Raise Rates and Slash Coverage

The year 2021 had the dubious distinction of being the most prolific for ransomware on record, and the onslaught didn’t stop in 2022. It’s now estimated that every 14 seconds, a business falls victim to a ransomware attack. Ransomware attacks aren’t just happening more often.

Cyber Risk Retainers: Not Another Insurance Policy

The costs associated with a cyberattack can be significant, especially if a company does not have an Incident Response plan that addresses risk. The one-two punch of a cyberattack can be devastating. There is the breach and then the related mitigation costs. Implementing a comprehensive Incident Response (IR) game plan into a worst-case-scenario should not be a post-breach scramble. And when that IR strategy includes insurance, it also must address a business’s level of cyber risk.

Digital Insurance: Why is Digital Customer Onboarding crucial for the Insurance Industry?

A 2020 survey of European insurance executives showed that some 89 percent of participants expected digitization in the insurance sector, this silver lines the existing process in the adoption of digital channels by the insurance sector. The insurance sector has been under pressure to enhance its online insurance market for some time now.

Why CISOs are the new champions of insurance transformation

The insurance industry's business model is rapidly evolving as the latest consumer and business technologies deliver greater quantities of real-time data than ever before. McKinsey predicts that by 2030, processes like underwriting as we know it will cease to exist — machine and deep learning models will automate policies and reduce delivery time to seconds.

Lowering Cyber Insurance Premiums in the Education Industry

In the past, purchasing cybersecurity insurance was considered a luxury rather than a necessity. However, as the number of cyber attacks continues to grow, many educational institutions have started to buy insurance policies to cover the damaging costs of malware and ransomware attacks. The education sector saw the most cyber attacks in 2021 and 2022 compared to every other industry, including healthcare and finance.

How to Reduce Your Cybersecurity Insurance Premium in 2022

Cyberattacks are growing in prevalence and sophistication, and so are the damage costs associated with these events. According to a 2022 cost of data breach report, the average damage cost of a data breach has reached a record high of USD 4.35 million. Provoked by increased data breach damage costs, a growing number of US businesses are partnering with Cybersecurity Insurers, who, in turn, respond to this increased demand by inflating cyber insurance premiums.

Guide to keeping cyber insurance premiums low amidst rising threats

Cyberattacks have become an unavoidable part of the technology landscape in recent years with attacks like ransomware, phishing, and whaling reaching an all-time high. According to IBM’s Cost of Data Breach Report 2022, the average cost of a ransomware attack is $4.54 million and the average cost of a breach in the US alone is $9.44 million. Cyber insurance is important in these instances, because it helps cover the financial losses incurred.

Why Cyber Insurance Is Not Enough

“My company has cyber insurance. Isn’t that enough to protect us?” NO. Cyber insurance will help you cover the damages but won’t protect you from being hacked in the 1st place or recover as soon as possible if you’re attacked. In fact, a lot of progressive cyber insurance companies today also provide preventative care tools (like SecurityScorecard). They know the importance of having an entire cybersecurity toolset rather than just having insurance.

Cyber Insurance Sticker Shock: Now What?

Cyber insurance has become increasingly expensive for most policyholders. Various organizations, including industry heavyweights such as Aon who have predicted premium hikes between 20% and 50% this year. There are even reports of premium increases as high as 1,000% for organizations with the highest risk. Unfortunately, many of these premium increases occur with little warning, often within a few weeks of a policy renewal.