Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Build a resilient cybersecurity framework by transforming your IT team into a security team

More organizations than ever before have shifted to a hybrid work culture to reduce the impact of COVID-19. This unprecedented change has not only given rise to new security challenges, but has also considerably increased the surface area available for an attack. A blend of personal and corporate endpoints in use, geographical spread of resources, and a sharp spike in the overall number of security threats have further complicated the already labor-intensive security landscape.

Imperatives for Today's Security Transformation

Industry research firm Gartner asked cybersecurity thought leaders to submit a video of themselves answering the question “What are your customers’ top security priorities?” for the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, a virtual event for the EMEA region held this month. Julian Waits, general manager of cybersecurity for Devo, was among those to whom Gartner posed the question. His video is below, and this blog post offers an expanded version of his response.

Why Threat Intelligence Sharing is the Future of SOC Analyst Productivity

With all the cyberthreats around today, security operations center (SOC) analysts need the right tools to identify, respond to, and stop those threats. Increasingly, threat intelligence sharing is one of the key tools for preventing threat actors from breaching organizations’ network, infrastructure, and operational environments, including the cloud.

Elastic 7.9 released, with free distribution tier of features of Workplace Search and endpoint security

We are pleased to announce the general availability of Elastic 7.9. This release brings a broad set of new capabilities to our Elastic Enterprise Search, Observability, and Security solutions, which are built on the Elastic Stack — Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Beats.

Collecting and analyzing Zeek data with Elastic Security

In this blog, I will walk you through the process of configuring both Filebeat and Zeek (formerly known as Bro), which will enable you to perform analytics on Zeek data using Elastic Security. The default configuration for Filebeat and its modules work for many environments; however, you may find a need to customize settings specific to your environment.