Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Embracing offensive tooling: Building detections against Koadic using EQL

This year at BSidesDFW, my local security conference, I highlighted a continuing trend of adversaries using open source offensive tools. The talk reviewed one of these post-exploitation frameworks named Koadic and walked through different ways defenders can build behavioral detections through the use of Event Query Language (EQL).

The Role of Technology in the Modern SOC

Recently, Security Boulevard published an article I wrote about the role technology plays in the modern security operations center (SOC). It’s a topic near to my heart, since I began working in SOCs back when we were known as “computer incident response teams” (CIRT). Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of outstanding technologies hit the market that have contributed greatly to improving security teams’ ability to identify, investigate and respond to threats.

INETCO Insight - Use cases to help you drive more business value from customer transaction data

Real-time transaction data has become a fundamental part of managing self-service channels and guaranteeing every interaction completes the way the customer expects. This is why banks, retailers and payment processors all over the globe are investing in powerful end-to-end data acquisition, real-time alerting and open data streaming capabilities.

Logs Are Back-and Other Takeaways from AWS re:Invent

This month Devo exhibited at the AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas. I asked a few Devo colleagues who attended the show for their insights about what they heard and saw. Among the many visitors to the Devo booth there were a lot of similar questions about log management and related topics. “There were many log vendors at the show, so people wanted to hear what makes Devo unique,” said Seema Sheth-Voss, vice president, product marketing, for Devo.

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What To Know About User Behavior Analysis

Over the last few years, significant strides have been made in artificial intelligence (AI). Businesses, both big and small, are finally finding value in the data at their disposal. Big data is no longer a buzzword but a critical tool used by both governments and businesses in many. User Behavior Analysis (UBA) is one of the practical implementations of big data today, coupled with deep learning algorithms. UBA is used to make sense of every day user activity in any setting to predict patterns and help in decision making.