Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


MSSPs: Streamline your customers' operations with Tines

Today, MSSPs are trying to scale their businesses quickly, onboard customers with high-quality tool sets that evolve with the company, and maintain or increase margins. This means reducing costs, improving onboarding time, and building the next generation of MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) or MDR (Managed Detection and Response) company. Threats in their own and customer environments continue to grow for MSSPs, as does the technology stack to support them.

Why Torq's Momentum Mirrors the Exponential Adoption of No-Code Security Automation

In just three quarters since Torq was officially launched, our visionary team has delivered a 385% increase in customers, resulting in 360% quarter-over-quarter growth. We’ve also boosted our headcount by 150% and now have more than 100 technology integration partners, including Armis, Orca, SentinelOne, and Wiz. In addition, we recently opened new offices in the UK, Spain, and Taiwan

Why Templates Deliver Critical Best Practice Workflows For Maximizing Enterprise Security

It’s difficult for even the most advanced security teams to stay on top of evolving incursions and ensure their processes effectively map to prevent them. That’s where pre-built templates come into the conversation. No-code, security automation templates can handle the considerable burden of having to maintain and update processes that integrate with a company’s security stack.

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An Introduction to Automation Basics

Automation is a powerful tool. With some foresight and a little elbow grease, you can save hours, days, or even months of work by strategically automating repetitive tasks. What makes automation particularly beneficial is that it eliminates manual interaction with multiple systems. Rather than manually uploading data to an event response system or notifying key support personnel of an incident, tying these tasks together through automation can reduce critical time and help resolve problems faster and more efficiently. But, before we can fill in the gaps between all of the platforms we are responsible for, we first need to understand how data moves around on the web and how we can use that process to our advantage.

Jay Thoden Van Velzen: How to prepare your security operations for a multi-cloud future

In our 10th episode of the Future of Security Operations podcast, Thomas speaks to Jay Thoden Van Velzen, Multi-cloud Security Operations Advisor at SAP. Prior to Jay’s current role, Jay scaled the Security Development Operations (SecDevOps) team from five to 25 team members across three continents and five countries and was the Initiative Lead for multiple security improvement programs for multi-cloud across SAP. Topics discussed in this episode.

The Essential Guide to No-Code Automation for Security Teams

Today we're excited to launch the Essential Guide to No-Code Automation for Security Teams. This free Tines playbook is designed to serve as the ultimate resource on no-code automation for security practitioners. It provides an overview of what no-code automation is, why it is a critical skill for those at the forefront of security operations, and how to bring the power of no-code automation to your security team.

How Chatbot Automation Benefits Security Teams

When you hear the term “chatbot,” your mind may at first turn to things like robotic customer support services on retail websites – a relatively mundane use case for chatbots, and one that is probably hard to get excited about if you’re a security engineer. But, the fact is that chatbots can do much more than provide customer support.

Introducing the Story Library: Get inspired and start automating your workflows instantly

We are excited to officially announce the launch of the new Tines Story Library - making it easier than ever to unlock the potential for greater business efficiency and more streamlined operations in less time with less effort! The power of no-code automation is now at your fingertips. From interacting with SIEMs to chatbots, case management systems, and more, the Story Library is filled with ready-to-use automation Stories, providing inspiration and digital transformation with just one click.