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Application Security Decoded: What It Means For IoT Devices, Security & Privacy | Synopsys

In our new video series, “AppSec Decoded,” Tim Mackey, principal security strategist at the Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Centre (CyRC), sat down with Laurie Carr, blog managing editor at Synopsys, to discuss the future of IoT devices and what it means for security and privacy.

More Effective Security Awareness: 3 Tips for NCSAM

It’s often said that humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity. Indeed, I’d have a hard time arguing that a computer that was sealed in a box, untouched by human hand, poses much of a security risk. But a computer that is unused has no purpose. It behooves security practitioners to get smarter about how we teach people to use those machines so that both humans and computers can work together to safely accomplish greater things.

How to Comply with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Since NIST Cybersecurity Framework is the best solution for better prevention, detection, and response to cybersecurity incidents, various organizations have adopted it to safeguard their IT assets. The 2019 SANS OT/ICS Cybersecurity Survey spells out the NIST CSF as the number one cybersecurity framework in use today. However, it is imperative to consider that how should we comply with NIST CSF in 2020 and beyond? Here is some help!

Cyber Security Planning Guide and Best Practices

Download our cybersecurity planning guide for all the best practices in mapping out your cyber security strategy. Containing and managing cybersecurity threats may be the most important strategic plan you create. As we are coming to an end of a record-breaking year for data breaches and exposed records, your organization must be planning on doing everything they can to protect the integrity of your data.

Why Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM) has an edge over Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?

The biggest boon to enterprises is the advent of the concept of data collaboration. Effective collaboration calls for data sharing not only within an enterprise but also amongst different enterprises. This sharing of data at a granular level leads to a situation where everyone has access to all information available in the enterprise without any security.