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How Twilio Scaled through Dev-First Security and DevSecOps

As more organizations leverage cloud native technologies such as Kubernetes, IaC, containers and serverless – shifting left and adopting DevSecOps is a must-do. But how does it actually work in practice? Meet Twilio; a billion dollar unicorn that has mastered dev-first security. In this session, you’ll hear from Twilio’s Head of Product Security on how he built and runs an application security program that maintains high velocity outputs.

OWASP Top 10: Security Misconfiguration Security Vulnerability Practical Overview

Security Misconfiguration is #6 in the current OWASP Top Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Risks. Misconfiguration can include both errors in the installation of security, and the complete failure to install available security controls.

Shape of the New | Global Art Market Webinar Series - Part 1: Markets and Makers

Our two-part roundtable webinar series on the future of the global art market, features guests from Hauser & Wirth, HMRC, Demif Gallery and The Society of London Art Dealers. Presented by Gareth Fletcher of Sotheby’s Institute of Art, the series explores change and transformation in the art market, from new technologies, ways of viewing and buying art, and market supervision, to digital art crime, the rise of African artists, and the illicit trade in art and antiquities.

CISO Soup: Data Breaches, Strategy and Cybersecurity Culture

For the longest time, those of us who occupy the role of the CISO have fought for our seat at the ‘big table.’ Although it appears some of us are being invited into the C-suite, there is still a long way for us to go.This is highlighted in a 2021 report provided BT, which places “CISOs under the spotlight” and illuminates some interesting and concerning issues that businesses need to address.

6 Cloud Security Resources that You Should Be Using

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the number of cloud security resources available. How do you know which sources to trust? Which ones should inform your security strategies? Which reports will actually improve your cloud security posture? Let’s first look at six cloud security guides that you should be using. These resources provide action items that you can take back to your team and use immediately.

How Can the Trucking Industry Secure Their Telematics?

The trucking sector is essential to countless other industries. Without reliable transportation, supply chains would crumble, and companies and consumers would face shortages. With so much riding on it, it’s no wonder why the industry has fully embraced technology like telematics in recent years. Telematics refers to the suite of technologies fleets use to share data between vehicles and command centers.

4 ways Security and DevOps can collaborate to reduce application vulnerabilities

A collaborative approach between SecOps and DevOps is key to any successful security integration - particularly as developers and security teams have different priorities from the get-go. In this blog we will share 4 tips for getting developers on board to enable true DevSecOps for your business.

Identity and Access Management vs Password Managers: What's the Difference?

Identity and access management best practices dictate that an organization provide one digital identity per individual. That identity can be maintained, monitored, and modified as needed while the user works on different projects and in different roles. However, strong IAM requires the use of tools and platforms, in addition to the principle of least privilege, to keep valuable information secure. [Read: 5 Identity and Access Management Best Practices]

Everything You Need to Know to Secure Your Network

SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and although it’s not likely to be the first thing to come to mind when discussing cyber security, it certainly should be. As its name implies, it is a type of software designed to supervise – controlling and monitoring – and collect data and well as analyze data for industrial processes.