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Forrester's State Of Application Security Report, 2021: Key Takeaways

Forrester’s Annual State of Application Security Report has become a touchstone for organizations on their journey to achieve AppSec maturity. As the software development industry and threat landscape continue to evolve, Forrester’s State of Application Security Report for 2021’s main message is that while applications are still a major attack vector, analysts found signs of hope in their research.

How to fix Java security issues while coding in IntelliJ IDEA

Nowadays, developers are responsible for more than just creating the application. Besides working on features, developers have to focus on their applications’ maintainability, scalability, reliability, and security. Many developers are unsure of where to start with security. In addition, most companies still work with a dedicated security team instead of having security expertise inside the team. A lot of developers practically live in their integrated development environment (IDE).

Run confidently with secure DevOps

The rapid pace of digital transformation is accelerating the shift to cloud-native applications using containers and Kubernetes to speed the pace of delivery. But application delivery is one thing. Application uptime performance and protection are another. For cloud teams already running production one fact is clear, monitoring and troubleshooting are only the beginning. They also need to own security and compliance for their apps. In cloud-native DevOps is not enough. It's time for secure DevOps.

Understanding Crime-as-a-Service and How Organizations Can Best Protect Themselves

As of late, cyber threats have only grown in velocity and volume, with cybercriminals taking advantage of every new capability to grow and prosper. Couple that with a global pandemic and a sudden increase in remote working in the cloud, and you open the door to countless new vulnerabilities.

Teleport in 2021: Security Audit Results

We now live in an era where the security of all layers of the software stack is immensely important, and simply open-sourcing a code base is not enough to ensure that security vulnerabilities surface and are addressed. At Teleport, we see it as a necessity to engage a third party that specializes in acting as an adversary, and provide an independent analysis of our sources.

v6.0 Webinar - Web Console, Let Employees See Their Data On-Demand, & Group Summary Reports

This video is a recording of a live webinar that took place April 8th, 2021. In this webinar CurrentWare's managing director Neel Lukka and product manager Sai Chu provide an overview of the new features available in CurrentWare version 6.0.

Technology Companies Have the Largest Proportion of Applications With High-Severity Flaws

As a result of the worldwide pandemic, technology companies were forced to pivot to fully remote operations. For many organizations, this meant accelerating their digital transformation efforts. But despite the investment in digital transformation efforts, there haven’t been enough investments in security measures.