Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Introducing AT&T's Managed Endpoint Security with SentinelOne

With 5G, edge solutions, and digital transformation all around us, every enterprise should be taking a closer look at their endpoint security and evaluate options that will be able to keep pace with this dynamic new environment.The newly introduced AT&T Managed Endpoint Security with SentinelOne™ offer brings world class managed services with comprehensive endpoint security.

Red teaming vs pentesting - What is the difference and impact on your cyber security strategy

Learn about:
+ What is Red Teaming?
+ Business Benefits of Red Teaming
+ Red Teaming Methodology
+ Common Terms & Acronyms
+ What is Penetration Testing?
+ Business Benefits of Penetration Testing
+ Pentesting Methodology
+ When should you consider a red team assessment?
+ When you are asking for a ‘red team’ and don’t need one.
+ When you are asking for a ‘pen test’ and don’t need one.

Code Dx 5.3 integrates with Snyk for comprehensive vulnerability management

The Code Dx team is pleased to announce the general availability (GA) of Code Dx 5.3, which notably features an integration with Snyk to help customers integrate open source and container security into their continuous development processes. As we move toward a cloud native world, we’re working to ensure that developer-first tooling, secure cloud infrastructure, container security, and open source tools are fully integrated into Code Dx 5.3.