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What is Unified Policy as Code, and Why Do You Need It?

Uptime. Reliability. Efficiency. These used to be perks, elements of forward-thinking and premium-level enterprises. Now they’re a baseline expectation. Today, consumers expect information, resources, and services to be available on-demand, updated in real time, and accessible without fuss. Imagine trying to Google something or place an order from Amazon only to be told, “Please try again in 48 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

Harnessing security expertise to power SAST and Code Security

Join us for a live stream with Benji Kalman, Director of Security RnD at Snyk, to talk about his experience in security research and managing the Security team over at Snyk. We'll talk about his role, what are day-to-day activities like, what are the challenges, and then connect it to the deep security expertise that help augment secure coding via Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools.

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) GDPR - meaning, methodology and more!

A DPIA is a Data Protection Impact Assessment. It’s an assessment of the likely impact on data subjects (individual) and their rights, both regarding privacy and freedom to conduct business. The goal: To identify what measures might be needed for compliance with GDPR or equivalent legislation elsewhere in the world before beginning a new process involving personal data that will make it clear how that individual’s right is affected by this project.

What Makes a Security Analyst Successful? Investigative Thinking

The new SANS 2021 Report: Top Skills Analysts Need to Master analyzes the need for organizations to invest in improving their security operations and identifies the skills analysts must master to support this initiative. Characterizing an analyst as essentially an investigator, the SANS report breaks the investigative process down into two primary areas: Investigative Tasks and Investigative Thinking.

Cloud Threats Memo: Keeping Distributed Workforces Secure

Thanks to the growing availability of vaccines and immunization campaigns in multiple countries, the world is starting to see a light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. We are eager to return to a new normal, being aware that some changes will be permanent, or if not permanent will strongly characterize the next years.

Upload Binaries to Scan with Veracode Static for Eclipse

In this video, you will learn how to prepare a build of your application using Veracode Static for Eclipse and upload the build to a new or existing application profile in your Veracode portfolio. Veracode Static for Eclipse is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that enables you to upload binaries to Veracode for static analysis. You can work with the scan results from within Eclipse to review and mitigate security findings in your applications.