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How Devo Is Working with Google Cloud IDS to Deliver Greater SOC Visibility with Integrated Security Tools

As the only cloud-native logging and security analytics platform that enables organizations to take full advantage of all of their data to run and secure their business, Devo is committed to working with other leading security technology providers to bring advanced capabilities to our customers. That’s why we’re pleased to announce an integration with Google Cloud IDS.

What is Digital Risk Protection (DRP)?

Technology is always changing, and as it does, businesses are constantly adopting new technologies to streamline their business processes and improve deliveries of goods and services. With those new technologies, however, comes risk. Every new technology opens up a business to digital threats. Sometimes those threats come from the untested nature of leading-edge technology, and sometimes those threats are simply associated with the learning curve of users within an organization.

Encryption in the Enterprise: What gets encrypted

In this webinar cut, we are going to review what kind of data should get #encrypted in the #enterprise. 👨‍💼 About the Speaker Bozhidar Bozhanov is co-founder and CEO at LogSentinel. He is a senior software engineer and solution architect with over 10 years of experience in the software industry. Bozhidar has been a speaker at numerous conferences and is among the popular bloggers and influencers in the technical field. He is one of the top-ranked users in Stack Overflow and his tech blog is recognized as one of the top Java developers blogs by international online media.

What is Data Leakage? Data Leak Prevention Tips

Data leaks can happen in many ways, and they’re surprisingly common. For example, a company might be hacked by cybercriminals; someone may lose their laptop with sensitive information; employee records could get lost during the relocation process. It doesn’t take much for sensitive information to get into the wrong hands. In fact, research has found that more than half of all data leakages come from human errors like typos and lost files.

Why you should upgrade to Maven version 3.8.1

If you are working in the Java ecosystem and building your applications with an older Maven version, this message is for you. Check your Maven version by typing mvn -version! If you are still running on an old Maven version like 3.6.3 or below you definitely need to upgrade to version 3.8.1 because of security reasons. Be aware that to run Maven 3.8.1, Java 7 is required. Luckily we found out in the JVM Ecosystem report 2021 that not many people work with Java 6 or below.

Physical Penetration Testing: Top 8 attack methods and tools (2021)

Physical penetration tests are meant to simulate real-world scenarios to help assess the vulnerabilities and risks that could compromise a company’s physical security. Specialists often carry them out in this field who know how to access sensitive information, bypass controls, intercept network traffic and EM waves and more! Physical penetration testing is a vital part of any company’s security.

What is UPnP? Yes, it's still dangerous in 2021

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is a service that allows devices on the same local network to discover each other and automatically connect through standard networking protocols (such as TCP/IP HTTP, and DHCP). Some examples of UPnP devices are printers, gaming consoles, WiFi devices, IP cameras, routers, mobile devices, and Smart TVs. UPnP can also modify router settings to open ports into a firewall to facilitate the connection of devices outside of a network.

How to Install CurrentWare On-Premises (Tutorial) - Computer Monitoring Software | CurrentWare

In this video Mike, one of CurrentWare’s technical specialists, will show you how to install CurrentWare's device control, web filtering, and computer monitoring software on-premises. After completing this tutorial you will be able to monitor and control your user’s computers from CurrentWare’s central management console. If you would like to learn how to use CurrentWare to monitor remote workers, that topic is covered in another tutorial.

Executive Order Update: NIST Establishes a Definition for Critical Software and Outlines Scan Requirements for Software Source Code

On May 12, 2021, President Biden announced an executive order to improve the nation’s cybersecurity. The order, which outlines security initiatives and timelines, calls for the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to enhance the security of the software supply chain.

Top 5 NCSC Cloud Security Principles for Compliance

There are many important factors to consider when choosing a cloud provider for your cloud use cases. For organizations in heavily regulated industries, compliance with relevant regulations is one of the most important things to think about. Whether you’re planning for a single cloud workload or a hybrid multi-cloud setup, maintaining compliance for sensitive data in the cloud is imperative.