Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Protecting your crypto wallet from hackers, thieves and bots

Over the past five years, blockchain technology has gone mainstream. More and more investors, businesses and opportunistic hobbyists are filling their cryptocurrency wallets with crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum. In fact, the global user base of all cryptocurrencies increased by an estimated 190 percent between 2018 and 2020. There is undoubtedly money to be made, ushering newcomers into the world of blockchain.

Infrastructure as Code

We see Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in LimaCharlie as one of our super powers. But we know sometimes it's not the most convenient approach to apply quick IaC templates. This service now allows you to do what you used to do using the CLI, but through the service and its API. On top of the API it provides, it also has its own section in the web UI that makes it easy to copy/paste your org's current configuration for backup, transfer to another org or tweaking.

NC Protect for Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Advanced Information Protection & Compliance

Organizations have sensitive data spread across on-premises and cloud based platforms. This present a major challenge for IT to ensure data integrity and security. NC Protect is both content and context aware to automatically find, classify and secure unstructured data on-premises, in the cloud and in hybrid environments.

NC Protect for Teams Simplified Security and Access Provisioning Demo

NC Protect offers a simpler, faster and scalable way to ensure secure collaboration in Teams. NC Protect dynamically adjusts access to and protection of chats, channels and files shared in Teams based on user and file attributes to control what users can see, how they can share information and with whom. Get granular security with less time and effort.

Securing IoMT devices to protect the future of Healthcare from rising attacks

The number of cybersecurity incidents reported within the healthcare industry has been steadily increasing since 2015 as the use of IoMT has become more widespread. With increasing numbers of IoMT devices being used for patient care, the attack surface among hospitals and doctors’ offices has grown dramatically as medical technology continues to expand.

Speed up container fixes with Snyk's new automated parent image detection

Shipping your apps in containers gives you the freedom to build upon the work of others. You can pick from a variety of ready-to-use container images that will run nearly any code or framework you have. Snyk Container already helps users manage their parent images and provide guidance when there are better options available — images with few vulnerabilities, or a smaller footprint overall, or both.

Industry Experts Weigh In: Addressing Digital Native Security Challenges

Keeping up with today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape is an ongoing journey for software development enterprises in cloud-native environments, as many struggle to keep their assets and customers secure while keeping up with the competitive pace of software delivery in cloud native environments. Earlier this summer WhiteSource hosted a roundtable discussion with HackerOne, AWS, and IGT about the new security challenges enterprises face as they shift to a digital native environment.