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Hands-on domain password policy setup for Active Directory

Dealing with the massive architecture of client-server networks requires effective security measures. Everyone has become painfully aware of all dangerous fishes roaming around the pool of the network, trying to get access to the system. Having a weak password policy is a key vector for attackers to gain system access. However, admins can help protect password security of the wide-reaching network using Group Management Policy (GPO).

Securing S3 bucket configuration and access with Snyk & Solvo

Solvo is empowering developers and DevOps engineers by enabling them to run their cloud infrastructure with least privilege access, at speed and scale. In this article, we’ll go through a workflow combining Solvo’s automatic platform with Snyk Infrastructure as Code (Snyk IaC) to create customized and secured access from a Lambda function to an AWS S3 bucket. This blog was originally posted on the Solvo website.

How to Identify and Classify High-Risk Third Parties

Today’s business landscape means having various business partners. From contractors to technology vendors, third parties are now part of everyone’s daily operations. However, with every new third-party you onboard, you also add a new risk. Supply chain attacks compromise your data, even if the third-party isn’t providing you a technology solution. To secure your data, you need to identify and classify high-risk third parties.

Top Email Security Gateway Services

With the ever-evolving landscape of email security services comes the ‘question’… ‘what are the top email security gateway services’? Our website analytics show that this term is searched for more regularly than most other general searches. A key indicator is that many top email gateway services brands have been tried and tested previously…market research is required to check for innovation – Is there anything you haven’t tried?

6 Most Common Causes of Data Leaks in 2021

The trend of global data breach events is steep and still continuing to tilt upwards. According to the latest data breach investigation report by IBM and the Ponemon Institute, data breach costs in 2021 have reached a record high. Last year, the average cost was US$3.83 million, and this year it has peaked at US$4.24 million. Mitigating these events involves comprehensive management of the entire attack surface, including the third, and even fourth-party vendor network.