Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Enhancing Security in your Software Development LifeCycle - Dealing with Dependencies

The adoption of agile practices has resulted in the emergence of shift-lift testing, where testing is performed much earlier in the Software Development LifeCycle (SDLC). Traditional waterfall models performed testing to the right of, or following, development. The benefits of testing earlier and more often cannot be underestimated. However, where does this leave security and security testing?


Here at Internxt, we believe that what humanity can achieve is extraordinary. We want to become a force of positive change that pushes society towards a better, brighter future. To do so, we are completely reengineering the status quo of a variety of industries, through the application of innovation in a way that’s coherent.

Introducing AT&T Managed Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

In today’s dynamic threat landscape, having different tools to meet unique security requirements helps keep data protected. However, businesses today have 10 to 50+ security tools and consequently spend too much time managing them instead of protecting against cybercrime. This security tool overload creates internal challenges and potentially distracts from the primary business mission.

Ethical hacker shares top tips to protect your attack surface

The underrated threat of domain takeover and hacking a firm’s internal and external attack surface can enable malicious actors to circumvent many advanced website protection mechanisms. However, Detectify Crowdsource hacker Jasmin Landry says that deploying an external attack surface management (EASM) system can help beef up your security before a malicious hacker wreaks havoc on your company. A common aphorism in cybersecurity is that there’s no such thing as perfect security.

Snyk joins OpenSSF: Tackling open source supply chain security with a developer-first approach

I’m excited to share that Snyk has joined the Linux Foundation’s expanded support of the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) as a premier member alongside Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Facebook, Intel, VMware, Red Hat, Oracle, and others. As Snyk’s mission is to enable developers to develop fast while staying secure, we believe that this cross-industry collaboration is critical to the future of software development and improving the security of open source.

Interested in a Career in Cybersecurity? These Tips Can Help Guide Your Journey

With the current global cybersecurity talent shortage just over three million, and the cybersecurity job market continuing to grow (31% in the U.S. by 2029), opportunities are plentiful for anyone interested in a career in cybersecurity. In support of this week’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme, “Cybersecurity Career Awareness,” I had an opportunity to speak with Dave Stromberg, ThreatQuotient’s Talent Acquisition Manager.

Free Webinar | What's new in PAM360

Digital keys and certificates are an important category of non-human privileged identities that encrypt web communications and facilitate identification and authorization of users to privileged systems. The latest version of PAM360 brings a plethora of digital key and certificate management capabilities to the table that help IT administrators track and automate the entire life cycle of digital identities from a single pane of glass.