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Top 3 Grooming Techniques in Fraud: What to Watch for

Grooming is a method of establishing a connection with a person to perpetrate a crime against them. Grooming is becoming more common in fraud, both online as well as in interpersonal interactions. What’s more, scammers are getting more sophisticated in their techniques. There is a mistaken belief that scammers are forceful, arrogant, and therefore easy to spot, but many play a long game, carefully and patiently grooming the victim before asking for money.

You've inherited a digital estate plan: Now what?

With each passing year, our digital lives grow in size and complexity. We open new accounts and place more value on the ones we log into and use every day. The trend has led to a rise in digital estate plans – a handover that ensures your friends and family members can take over your most precious accounts after you’ve gone.

Securing Google Cloud Platform with Sysdig

Together with Google Cloud, Sysdig reduces your cloud security risk. So you can confidently run your workloads on Google Cloud. Get started in minutes with Sysdig SaaS, and simplify security, compliance, and monitoring. Accelerate your growth with NO backend data management. # CSPM Sysdig is your centralized safe place to enhance cloud security posture. # Threat detection Plug in Google Cloud Audit logs And get started quickly with our out-of-the-box Falco rules.

Popular JavaScript Library ua-parser-js Compromised via Account Takeover

A few hours ago, an npm package with more than 7 million weekly downloads was compromised. It appears an ATO (account takeover) occurred in which the author’s account was hijacked either due to a password leakage or a brute force attempt (GitHub discussion).

What is DNS hijacking? Redirection Attacks Explained (and Prevention)

Almost everybody in this world uses the Internet. Some use it for work, some for education, some to stay connected with the world and their loved ones, some for shopping, and some use it to browse the world wide web in their leisure time. DNS Hijacking or DNS redirection attacks are a widespread security threat many DNS servers face in today’s modern digital world.

What is Data Protection by Design?

‘Privacy by design’, or as it’s now known, ‘data protection by design and default’, refers to Article 25 of the UK GDPR. This principle makes it a legal obligation for controllers to implement organisational controls which ensure data protection issues are addressed at the design stage of any project. But what does the regulation mean when it refers to organisational controls?

Vendor Risk Management: Best Practices for 2021

Vendor risk management (VRM) is rapidly emerging with ever-evolving cyber security strategies. As we hit the pandemic and try to manage critical operations in a remote work setup, each day, business entities challenge with the new security, privacy, and business continuity risks associated with their vendors.

How can I secure my Android app's code?

Android is the world’s most widely used operating system. And we’re huge fans of it here at Conseal. But building Android apps can present some unique security challenges to developers. These may be for example as a result of the way that Android operates, the hardware that runs it, or its Linux heritage. This blog post outlines some of the things that our code auditors and penetration testers look for when reviewing Android apps for security vulnerabilities.