Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Mitigating Industrial Production Risk with Tripwire

It seems that the most popular topics in cybersecurity for the last year has been zero trust as well as the convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT). These developments are good, as they signal some positive motion towards better overall security. Some of the current risks are worth noting, with a forward glance to protecting specific industries such as oil and gas production plants.

2021 Devo SOC Performance Report: SOC Leaders and Staff Are Not Aligned

The third annual Devo SOC Performance ReportTM shows that working in a security operations center continues to be painful. Based on an independent survey of more than 1,000 global cybersecurity professionals commissioned by Devo and conducted in September 2021, the report examines current SOC trends and challenges.

Cybersecurity Sessions #2: Drone Safety and Cybersecurity

With drones now capable of massive cluster displays at events like the Olympics opening ceremony, and being used in sectors like healthcare, what role does cybersecurity play in making these devices safe? In this month’s episode of the Cybersecurity Sessions podcast, Andy talks to drone pilot and experienced cybersecurity expert Frank Jones about the emerging technology of drones, their growing list of use cases and how important security is in their wider adoption.

How to cyber security: Software supply chain risk management

Effective software supply chain risk management requires security measures throughout the entire supply chain. Risk management is a well-understood part of business. Personified, risk management would be a dusty, gray man with a gray beard who asks questions that make you uncomfortable. Risk management is about understanding threats to your business and figuring out how you will deal with them.

Splunk SOAR Playbooks: TruSTAR Indicator Enrichment

SOAR use cases come in all shapes and sizes, but almost all of them rely on threat intelligence to determine the risk posed by the various indicators in the event. Our two new community playbooks leverage Splunk Intelligence Management (previously TruSTAR) to gather intelligence about indicators and enable rapid manual response by an analyst within a single prompt.

Blocking IOCs at the speed of automation (With OneLogin)

Matthew Petroske, OneLogin's Senior Incident Response Engineer, saw the value of Tines early on and was impressed by the functionality and scalability of the automation platform. “The analogy I like to use is functional programming; the way that Tines has built the platform means we can just reuse Stories in a very flexible and straightforward fashion, and that makes my life easier, which is what I love. I'm a huge ‘Send to Story’ fan.”

Implementing endpoint and network security for a hybrid workforce model

The onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic brought about many changes and disruptions in cybersecurity. Organizations globally shifted to remote work scenarios to enable their employees to work from the comfort of their homes. Since this was a sudden decision, many organizations lacked resources to ensure security while users were operating from locations across the world. These redefined security perimeters provided leeway for bad actors to perform cyberattacks.