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The Best of Both Worlds: Pairing Tripwire ExpertOps with Technical Account Management

This won’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s spoken to me for more than five minutes, but I am a Doctor Who fan. In fact, “fan” is being kind. I’m hopelessly obsessed with the show to the point that more than one ‘Who’ actor has a restraining order out on me.

Key Considerations for Canada's Forthcoming National Cyber Security Strategy

On December 16, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released mandate letters tasking his ministers of national defense, foreign affairs, public safety, and industry to develop a new “National Cyber Security Strategy.” He specifically highlighted the need for the strategy to “articulate Canada’s long-term strategy to protect our national security and economy, deter cyber threat actors, and promote norms-based international behavior in cyberspace,” as quoted by Global News.

Extending Panorama's firewall address groups into your Kubernetes cluster using Calico NetworkSets

When deploying cloud-native applications to a hybrid and multi-cloud environment that is protected by traditional perimeter-based firewalls, such as Palo Alto Networks (PAN) Panorama, you need to work within the confines of your existing IT security architecture. For applications that communicate with external resources outside the Kubernetes cluster, a traditional firewall is typically going to be part of that communication.

ICYMI: 5 Major Considerations for Slack Security in 2022

Last month, on December 8, we hosted a webinar alongside Bluecore CISO Brent Lassi to discuss data security risks facing high-growth organizations like his on SaaS systems like Slack. With 2022 just beginning, we wanted to share 5 important lessons about Slack and SaaS security that are worth keeping in mind this year.

Healthcare systems under attack

In October 2021, the IT systems of the Israeli healthcare system suffered a ransomware attack from which it took weeks to recover. Although the motive for the cyberattack on this occasion was not geopolitical but financial, government sources said they feared that far more dangerous incidents against this sector could be carried out by groups linked to foreign powers such as Iran.

Technology's contributions toward safety in healthcare

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Technology in healthcare has the potential to make all the difference in terms of safety outcomes. Right now, modern tech is pushing the envelope of what is possible in the doctor’s office and the patient’s home, as telehealth and artificial intelligence transform the landscape of medical care. But technology isn’t always safe.

Azure Penetration Testing | How to Stay Safe

Azure Penetration Testing is a process that can be done to find vulnerabilities in the Azure environment. In this video, I will show you how to stay safe by finding and mitigating these vulnerabilities before attackers do! Cyphere is a UK-based cyber security services provider helping organisations to secure their most prized assets. We provide technical risk assessment (pen testing/ethical hacking) and managed security services. This advice is a true third party opinion, free from any vendor inclinations or reselling objectives.

New workshop for securing a DevOps pipeline with Snyk, Bitbucket, and AWS

Development teams are frequently under the gun to deliver software quickly, which is difficult to do without modern tools to build, test, and deploy applications efficiently. That’s why Atlassian’s Bitbucket Cloud — a Git-based source code repository service in the cloud that streamlines software development for collaborative teams — was built for both speed and efficiency. The challenge nearly all organizations face is ensuring development speed and security at the same time.

Power the SOC of the Future with the DataLinq Engine - Part 1

Evidence continues to mount that it isn’t a matter of if, but when and how an organization will be attacked. So, we are seeing Security Operations Centers (SOCs) narrow the focus of their mission to become detection and response organizations. As they look to address additional use cases, including threat detection and monitoring, investigation, incident response and hunting, data becomes incredibly more important.