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Why marketers can't ignore bot traffic on their sites in 2022

As a thorn in the side of marketing teams of all sizes, awareness of ad fraud has grown in recent years due to the sheer amount of money it can cost advertisers. In one famous case, Uber discovered fraudulent app installs attributed to its ads had cost the company $100 million. But it’s not just overtly malicious activity like ad fraud that marketing budget-setters need to be concerned about. Marketers must be aware of the potential damage bots of all kinds can do, intentionally or otherwise.

Code Dx wins CybersecAsia award for Best in Application Development Security

Code Dx was recognized for its leadership in application security development. Learn how Code Dx helps to build trust in your software. Synopsys is proud to announce that Code Dx® has won the 2021 CybersecAsia Reader’s Choice Award for Best in Application Development Security.

Detecting Malware Script Loaders using Remcos: Threat Research Release December 2021

Nowadays, malware used to have several stages before it fully compromised the targeted host or machine. The very well-known initial stager is the “phishing email” that contains a malicious macro code or malicious URL link that will download either the actual loader or the next stager to download the actual payload.

Don't Let Supply Chain Attacks Get the Best of You

The past two years have brought about significant disruptions to global supply chains. Recent headlines have focused on labor shortages and their impact on everything from product production to shipping delays. However, another, more significant supply chain issue should be top of mind for every organization: supply chain attacks.

Testing Clojure Code With Jazzer

Jazzer, our fuzzer for the JVM, is already being used with several JVM languages like Java and Kotlin. Recently, a member of the community asked us whether Jazzer can also fuzz Clojure code. The answer is yes, but it wasn't obvious how to set things up. So we've built a small helper library, jazzer-clj, which contains everything you need to get started with Jazzer for Clojure. There's also an example project to demonstrate the setup.

Open source maintainer pulls the plug on npm packages colors and faker, now what?

On January 8, 2022, the open source maintainer of the wildly popular npm package colors, published colors@1.4.1 and colors@1.4.44-liberty-2 in which they intentionally introduced an offending commit that adds an infinite loop to the source code. The infinite loop is triggered and executed immediately upon initialization of the package’s source code, and would result in a Denial of Service (DoS) to any Node.js server using it.