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Elastic Security verifies new destructive malware targeting Ukraine: Operation Bleeding Bear

Elastic Security has verified a new destructive malware targeting Ukraine: Operation Bleeding Bear. Over the weekend, Microsoft released details about this multi-stage and destructive malware campaign that the Ukrainian National Cyber Security Coordination Center has been referring to as Operation Bleeding Bear.

6 challenges when protecting a distributed workforce

When employees connect to professional networks remotely the cyber-threat level rises. Elements such as the expansion of the security perimeter of organizations when working remotely or the proliferation of threats from COVID-19-related topics have changed the way we understand cybersecurity. But there are other, more specific challenges that make it more difficult for MSPs to protect clients that have a remotely distributed workforce. These 6 challenges are.

Bob Saget and open source license compliance

Unique open source licenses provide amusement for developers but they create extra work for legal teams overseeing a company’s IP. Several of my open source friends had the same reaction when they heard of the death of Bob Saget. Sadly, the actor/comedian passed away last week at a relatively young age, and with him went an increment of open source license risk. Wait… what?

Continuously Securing Software Supply Chain

Catch this session to see a breakdown of the recent news related to software supply chain security and what you can do to meet new requirements and protect your software from such attacks. With new software supply chain attacks reaching the spotlight at an accelerating pace, security research uncovering novel attack methods and new mandates and guidelines starting to come into effect — it can be hard to stay on top of the latest developments and their implications.

No BS security: detect and automate with LimaCharlie & Tines

Why is there so much BS involved in the building and selling of security software? The security stack of the future – and of today, in the best companies – is composed of tools that focus on doing one thing extremely well, with transparent value and pricing, packaged in a product that the team will actually enjoy using. Join Eoin & Maxime, the founders of Tines and LimaCharlie, as we explore why "No BS" is the future of security, and put our own products to the test: building an end-to-end sophisticated detection and response flow using the free, ungated versions of our products.

Protect Archived Data from Ransomware with Immutability for Amazon Web Services Cloud Storage

Protecting your data in the cloud is fundamental to your security posture in terms of business continuity and disaster recovery. While Rubrik customers utilize the cloud every day to safely store off-site copies of their data, this blog is going to explain how we’ve made that practice even safer! We know that security threats to backup systems are on the rise, with hacking, malware, and even human error becoming more prevalent in the age of remote work.

Monitoring Endpoint Logs for Stronger Security

The massive shift to remote work makes managing endpoint security more critical and challenging. Yes, people were already using their own devices for work. However, the rise in phishing attacks during the COVID pandemic shows that all endpoint devices are at a higher risk than before. Plus, more companies are moving toward zero-trust security models. For a successful implementation, you need to secure your endpoints.

5 Ways to Protect Your Website from Bot Attacks

Web scraping is the process of using tools such as crawlers and scraping bots to extract invaluable data and content from websites, read parameter values, perform reverse engineering, assess navigable paths, and so on. Global e-commerce businesses saw a drop of 2% in revenues, totaling 70 billion dollars, due to web scraping. This highlights the importance of effective web scraping protection.

Securing the Digital Supply Chain - Why are Investors interested in the digital supply chain

In this session for the Securing the Digital Supply Chain we talk to two very well known investors from Silicon Valley - Mahendra Ramsinghani (Secure Octane) and Cherian Mathew (Firebolt VC). We learn what drives the investment thought process for these two successful VCs and also hear what their perspectives are on cybersecurity, areas of interest, how to think about the market. Especially interesting are the thoughts on "Who gets affected" from a Digital Supply Chain perspective.

Getting the best out of Samsung Knox management with Mobile Device Manager Plus

In case you missed it, Samsung Knox has verified Mobile Device Manager Plus as a Knox Validated Partner solution. This means that our EMM solution meets its business-level requirements for 2022, and that we support a wide range of features to help you get the best out of all your mobile devices that support Samsung Knox capabilities.