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Identifying exploits and adversary tradecraft of FORMBOOK information-stealing campaign

We wanted to call out some great adjacent research from the team at Sophoslabs Uncut that was released on December 21, 2021. Research groups frequently analyze similar (or in this case, identical) campaigns through their own unique lens. This is fantastic for the security community, as the campaign gets more eyes and different perspectives applied towards the same problem.

How Your Security Team Can Reinforce Data Privacy Best Practices During #DataPrivacyWeek

In 2008, Data Privacy Day started as an extension of Europe’s Data Protection Day, which commemorates the signing of Convention 108. This year, the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) established Data Privacy Week to empower individuals and businesses to respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust. Plus, data privacy is so important that it needs more than just a single day of discussion!

How Machine Learning has become essential in stopping spam and bots

Spam filters are essential. Without them we couldn’t cut through the noise of phishing scams and malware links to read our messages. Hatred of spam is well entrenched in society, just as bots (especially scalpers) have become the bane of so many lives in recent years. There are several parallels between the email spam in our inboxes and malicious bots that crawl the web. Both are designed to cause harm to businesses and individuals. Both exploit systems designed to be useful.

Scale and mature your AppSec program with a managed services partner

A managed services partner should do more than run the tests you choose. The right partner will work with you to shape your application security program. If your firm has attempted to hire internal security experts lately, you know they’re few and far between.