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CVE-2022-0185: Detecting and mitigating Linux Kernel vulnerability causing container escape

This week, Linux maintainers and vendors disclosed a heap overflow vulnerability in the Linux Kernel. The vulnerability has been issued a Common Vulnerability and Exposures ID of CVE-2022-0185 and is rated as a High (7.8) severity. The flaw occurs in the Filesystem Context system when handling legacy parameters. An attacker can leverage this flaw to cause a DDoS, escape container environments, and elevate privileges.

Dark Web Recon: Cybercriminals Fear More Law Enforcement Action in the Wake of the REvil Takedown

In the wake of the takedown of the REvil/Sodinokibi ransomware gang by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) on January 14, Eastern-European cybercriminals are feeling the ground shake. In the days following the FSB action, Trustwave SpiderLabs researchers have analyzed a slew of Dark Web chatter and have found that this potential new world is breeding fear in that community.

AppSec Decoded: Reducing the risk of ransomware | Synopsys

Watch our latest episode of AppSec Decoded, featuring Sammy Migues, principal scientist at Synopsys and coauthor of the BSIMM report, and Tim Mackey, principal security strategist at Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC), as they discuss the do’s and don’ts of ransomware prevention and mitigation.

TOP 10 IT Trends

Observability has gained a lot of momentum in the past year, be it full stack observability or data observability. Modern complex IT systems using clouds, microservices and serverless are easy to develop and deploy but extremely difficult to observe. These systems generate tremendous amounts of data and need an automated way of handling the volume. The next era of delivering customer experience is underpinned by the full stack observability capability.

How secure is your UPSI as SEBI tightens its reins on Insider Trading?

In September 2021, the Indian Markets Regulator, Security, and Exchanges Board of India (SEBI) banned an employee of an Indian MNC headquartered in Bangalore and his counterpart, an employee of a leading Global information technology company from trading in stock exchanges till further orders. An impounding of illegal proceeds of 2.62 crore rupees were generated through insider trading activities. This is just an example of insider trading.

What Is Privileged Session Management and How Can It Help Secure Your Sensitive Data?

Privilege abuse is the top misuse-related reason for data breaches according to the 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon. To mitigate the risk of data leaks and other incidents, it’s crucial to enhance the protection of critical assets and keep a close eye on the activity of privileged users. Yet it can become a real ordeal for an IT security manager not only to secure access to their organization’s servers but also to track and manage all privileged sessions.

92% of companies improve their cybersecurity by outsourcing

MSPs are playing an increasingly important role in organizations' cybersecurity. This is the key finding from our Pulse "Outsourcing Security" survey of more than 100 organizations worldwide: 88% of respondents are outsourcing their cybersecurity processes or tools, and the most common type of outsourcing agreements selected is through MSPs (55%).