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Securing telework 2020 and beyond

Teleworking isn’t just about your home desk: it’s about mobility, agility, and security. As public and private industries shift to telework, thanks to long-term innovation and short-term necessity, it’s clear that telework is here to stay. But to what scale? This webcast explored the concepts of security and mobility within the broader telework schema. How will personal devices and other technology tools accelerate the ease of telework? On the flip side, as attackers target devices, how can organizations protect personal devices from breaches?

Mitigating Third-Party Vendor Risk in Your Supply Chain

A recent survey by the analyst firm Gartner showed that 89% of companies experienced a supplier risk event in the last five years; however, those companies' overall awareness and plans to mitigate lacked maturity. As a result, it is no longer enough to secure your own company's infrastructure. You must also evaluate the risk posed by third-party vendors and plan to monitor those organizations for breaches.

Cloud-native SOAR and SIEM solutions pave the road to the modern SOC

The ever-evolving cyber threat landscape gives birth to new, unprecedented cyberattacks that challenge traditional cybersecurity approaches and force security operations centers (SOCs) to evolve and redefine their methods. To ensure that the integrity of their data is well-protected, SOCs have to be one step ahead of malicious actors. Ergo, the necessity of creating the modern SOC comes into play.

Tanium and Netskope: Delivering Continuous Device Classification

Netskope is a leading provider of cloud security with its security service edge, single-pass architecture. Using clients to steer traffic to the Internet through the Netskope Security Cloud means that customers can securely enable data moving into and out of the distributed corporate environment. But this traffic has to originate from an endpoint—and endpoints can be compromised. How do organizations know whether SaaS traffic originating from an endpoint is potentially compromised or at risk?

What will 2022 Bring for Cloud Computing?

Predicting the future is tricky business. However, when you’re privileged enough to frequently speak with the technology leadership at Fortune 500 companies, looking forward is less about gazing into a crystal ball and more of an extrapolation of trends that you're seeing. I’m honored that Fast Mode published my article detailing what I think is in store for cloud computing in 2022.

Making Progress Securing Our Nation's Water Supply

Water and wastewater treatment may not be at the top of most people’s list of discussion topics, but the more you think about it, the more clear it becomes that this particular subsegment of the utilities market is a vital part of our critical infrastructure. We rely on the ability to turn on the tap and get clean, safe water every day. And we’ve seen what havoc losing that ability can wreak from the crisis in Flint, MI.