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Forward Fix: Minimize Downtime with ServiceNow Integration

Not enough detailed information in your ServiceNow ticket causing headaches and delays? Forward's ServiceNow integration can help you save time by automatically providing network data in incident tickets or automatically create tickets based on intent or reachability. Learn more at

NewEdge, You've Come a Long Way Baby

Just over three years ago, Joe DePalo joined Netskope as Senior Vice President of Platform Engineering. He had most recently led the infrastructure design and build-out at AWS, the world’s largest public cloud, and prior to that, engineering and operations for one of the largest content delivery networks (CDNs) at Limelight Networks.

Cloud Threats Memo: New Malicious Campaign Using GitHub for Command and Control

State-sponsored threat actors continue to exploit legitimate cloud services. In their latest campaign, uncovered by Malwarebytes during January 2022, the North Korean group Lazarus (AKA HIDDEN COBRA) has been carrying out spear phishing attacks, delivering a malicious document masquerading as a job opportunity from Lockheed Martin (37% of malware is now delivered via Office documents).

Securosis Webinar New Age Network Detection

New Age Network Detection: Keeping pace with the Evolution of Tech Infrastructure New approaches to network detection and response to address increasing attacker sophistication and cloud-based resources. How advances in analytics help organizations detect attacks in encrypted traffic and identify command and control traffic. The advantage of an open data approach is to integrate with existing detection capabilities.

XDR: The Importance of Network Technology

XDR is new to the marketplace, and there remains confusion about what it is - and is not. Alex Kirk of Corelight likes to dispel the myth that it's about endpoint security. "You've got to have the N," he says - network technology. In this interview, he dispels myths and expounds on possibilities. In this video interview with Information Security Media Group, Kirk discusses.

Government gets serious: deadlines for Zero Trust Architectures

Since the 1990s, the federal government has been issuing guidelines and recommendations for security via their 800-Series Special Publications. While some of those guidelines became mandates, things have largely inched forward, instead of making any dramatic leaps. OMB’s new memorandum M-22-09, “Moving the U.S. Government Towards Zero Trust Cybersecurity Principles,” is changing this pattern, and setting deadlines for implementation across the government.

Cybersecurity in Competitive Online Gaming (Cheating, Mitigation, and Vulnerabilities)

As the competitive online gaming and eSports industries gain legitimacy by becoming more popular and attracting mainstream attention, the question of competitive integrity lingers in the back of my mind. Can the game’s developers, community, and users maintain and uphold competitive integrity? Or will they fold under the pressure of greed and complacency?

What is Unstructured Data?

Unstructured data is data that cannot be processed and analyzed using conventional data tools and methods: qualitative data, such as customer feedback or social media posts are considered unstructured data. Unstructured data is particularly prevalent in the healthcare industry, where patient records, doctors’ notes, and other unstructured data can make upward of 80% of data within a healthcare organization.

Channeling Regulatory Requirements into Practical Cyber Risk Assessments

Does the saying "compliance does not equal security" paint a holistic picture? Sure, the concept is genuine; meeting a single compliance standard will not directly improve security posture. However, after working with hundreds of organizations, we have learned there are key considerations that can help maximize the value and urgency of compliance requirements by channeling such efforts into more practical risk assessments.

How Reciprocity Onboarding Services Deliver Lightning-Fast Time to Value

When your organization makes a substantial investment in new technology, the last thing you want is for it to go underused. Digital transformation is intended to make people more productive and give them more time to focus on what matters most. But you can’t reap those benefits unless the onboarding process is swift, smooth, and effective enough to deliver immediate results.