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How Teleport Uses Teleport to Create and Maintain Shared Demo Environments

Our Solution Engineering (SE) team is full of individuals who have vast real-world experience building and maintaining complex IT access systems with sophisticated audit layers through their work as DevOps engineers. The problems that we have all faced before joining Teleport are the exact problems that our customers face. So when it comes to our demos, we like to show real-world scenarios aligned to customer usage patterns, in environments similar to our customers.

Log4Shell Peace of Mind in Minutes, Not Weeks

Discovered on December 9, 2021, the log4Shell vulnerability is one of the most talked-about vulnerabilities in computing. Because simple text can be used to take control of a device and download anything that is Internet-accessible, companies are taking it seriously. As they should – log4Shell has the maximum CVSS score of 10 (CVSS, Common Vulnerability Scoring System, is an industry-standard for ranking vulnerabilities).

How an IT Managed Services Provider Helps Newly Remote Organizations

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a valuable resource for meeting fluctuating IT infrastructure needs. According to data from Statista, the value of the IT managed services market is expected to grow to $356.24 billion by 2025. In this article I’ll outline the benefits of an MSP vs in-house IT staff and how an MSP can help your organization transition to a remote workforce.

Get to know: Devo Exchange

The Devo Exchange is a vibrant community-based marketplace full of valuable content that Devo customers can browse, install, and manage with push-button simplicity. Devo Exchange enables you to realize immediate value from your Devo deployment by providing on-demand access to content relevant to your security ecosystem. Devo Exchange reduces the time your team needs to spend creating custom content and accelerates the deployment of impactful use cases.

How A Leading University Hospital System Secures Patient Data With Lookout

The adoption of cloud services is steadily rising across the healthcare industry as organizations push for better access to medical data. For a leading university hospital system, the move to the cloud helped make terabytes of protected health information (PHI) accessible to their more than 40,000 employees, from medical practitioners to field researchers.

Egnyte Earns Spot on G2's 2022 Best Software Awards List

In today’s remote or hybrid work environments, companies want technology that is secure, easy to use, and accessible from anywhere. And when it comes time to find the right technology, they turn to peer-to-peer review sites like G2, the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplace.