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Small Talk: putting data privacy at the forefront with your customers

Conversations about consumer data privacy grow louder each year, with the news headlines to match. Trust in the technology sector is now at an all-time low and customers are increasingly concerned about the privacy of their personal information. It’s become a serious topic that all business owners need to follow, not just security specialists and tech bloggers.

Weekly Cyber Security News 11/02/2022

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. I think most of us will remember the big crypto heists, well here is a fascinating article where the criminals thought leaving the proceeds dormant for a few years would eventually lead to no one caring about recovery. Spoiler: They were wrong….

The Ideal Simple and Secure Connection Solution for OT Remote Access

Industrial companies worldwide are adopting capabilities that allow for remote operations. The pandemic has led companies to consider how they can reduce an onsite workforce while continuing with normal operations. Likewise, the worker shortage is leading companies to think in terms of a flexible workforce that may include remote staffing and flexible resourcing.

Comparing Passwordless SSH Authentication Methods

There are essentially four ways you can implement passwordless SSH access. SSH certificate-based authentication, SSH key-based authentication, SSH host-based authentication, or using a custom PAM module that supports out-of-band authentication. If you want to live dangerously, there’s also a fifth method of passwordless access — disable authentication at all. But that’s not who you are!

Unified Security for a Reconnecting World

During the last year we have been more connected than ever. We have adapted to a new way of life and found new ways to overcome the distance and physical isolation from our colleagues through digital connectedness. The world will continue to evolve and we will adapt with you in every step of the way protecting your business wherever you are.

How to cybersecurity: Gravity is a harsh mistress

I love the boundless possibilities of modern software development. Anyone with a computer and an internet connection can code. More than any other time in human history, each of us has the power to build something in software, to realize whatever we can imagine. At the same time, a thriving ecosystem of open source software components allows us to stand upon the shoulders of giants, to quickly assemble huge building blocks of existing functionality that can rocket us toward our own goals.

8 Must-Ask Questions to Consider: Rubrik Ransomware Recovery Assessment

2021 was the year of ransomware. You couldn’t watch or read the news without hearing about another business falling victim. Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that a ransomware attack took place every 11 seconds in 2021, with global damages reaching an estimated $20 billion – that is 57x more than it was in 2015. Unfortunately, the reality is that ransomware is here to stay, and every organization, regardless of industry or size, is a potential target.

Recent Examples of Zero Day Attacks & How to Avoid Them

Zero day attacks consist of almost 80% of all malware attacks. Take a look at some recent attacks and learn how to prevent them. You work hard to secure your business network. Yet determined hackers probe persistently until they find a software vulnerability you don’t know about. They use this previously unknown and unpatched flaw.

DDoS Protection With AppTrana

For any business, AppTrana (Web Application Firewall) for DDoS Protection is an essential tool to strengthen the security posture. With this WAF tool, CXOs (CISO, CTO, CISO, CEO) would have their tough jobs made easier in this ever-growing threat landscape. (In recent years, with the adoption of the work-from-home culture, cybersecurity attacks have taken the front seat in disrupting businesses of all sizes across the world).

Ep 5 Securing the digital supply chain - Sai Kalur

In this episode of Securing the digital supply chain we talk to one of the luminary stars in IT, security from the Bay Area - Sai Kalur. Sai talks about SDLC, software development processes, best practices, the considerations that drive pharma and health-tech companies. A great discussion for CISOs, CIOs, and security thought leaders.