Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Styra Accelerates Cloud Migration with Cloud-Native Entitlements

I’m excited to announce that today we’ve unleashed Styra Declarative Authorization Service (DAS) for Cloud-Native Entitlements! Organizations are rapidly modernizing and migrating applications to the cloud, but they are often held back by legacy entitlement systems that are not compatible with today's scale and sprawl of cloud-native development models.

How Can Security Testing Fit Within Agile Development?

As software developers and associated business analysts are shifting more and more towards satisfying customer needs by providing them with a better quality product, they are consequently moving towards an agile mindset. Firms are changing the way they function to allow customer needs to be integrated not only into the final product and stages of sales but also all throughout the process of development of a product.

Cyberattacks are Evolving. How to Accelerate Detection and Response with ThreatQ

You don’t have to look far for proof that cybercrime is soaring to new heights. Early in the pandemic the U.N. reported cybercrime had increased 600% and other experts estimate damages from global cybercrime to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, up from $3 trillion in 2015. Last year alone, we started 2021 in the fog of the SolarWinds attack and finished with the infamous Log4j vulnerabilities, the full impact of which will take years to understand.

Like Father Like Son? New Mars Stealer

First observed in 2021 and advertised as a standalone version on various cybercriminal forums, Mars is an information stealer mainly targeting Windows victim credentials and cryptocurrency wallets including 2FA plugins and any essential system information. Mars is also capable of loading any type of file by downloading and executing them from a given drop-zone. Over the past several months, Mars took the place of a solid info stealer.

Random but Memorable - Episode 8.9: Historically Bad Musical Movie

Today we're joined by 1Password's Director of Security, Adam Caudill (and an unexpected rooster 🐓), to give us a 1Password Basics primer on credential stuffing and how 1Password works to keep you safe online. We also can't peel our eyes away from the recent security news in Watchtower Weekly, but hey, it might get us access to the most prestigious eye-tracking apps – like MoviePass. To top it all off we have a musical-themed round of Ridiculous Requirements, including bonus points for theatrically singing. 🎭

What Is Managed Vulnerability Scanning And Why Do You Need It?

Managed Vulnerability Scanning solves the security problem by providing continuous monitoring and protection for your systems, allowing you to keep up-to-date with new threats. In this video, we'll talk about what Managed Vulnerability Testing is, how it works and why you need it!