Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Adding Container and IaC security to the Snyk plugin for Jetbrains

We’re excited to announce that infrastructure as code (IaC) and container security are joining code and open source dependency security in the free Snyk plugin for JetBrains IDEs. As of today, developers using JetBrains IDEs can secure their entire application with a click of a button. Snyk Security for JetBrains increases code security and reduces time spent on manual code reviews by empowering developers to find and fix issues within their JetBrains IDEs.

View All Your Clouds in a Single Pane of Glass

If your enterprise is like most of Forward Networks’ customers, then your IT shop oversees a sizable cloud estate. You probably have hundreds of accounts, projects, or subscriptions across different cloud vendors. There are tons of related objects too — virtual machines, firewalls, transit gateways, subnets, and more. And cloud-native apps? Maybe you hundreds of those in use or development as well.

Voice of the SOC Analyst report 2022

Security teams are being prevented from doing their best work. While understaffing and low budgets have always been challenges for any type of team, security teams are uniquely affected by repetitive, manual tasks, which in turn keep them from working on higher-impact projects that contribute to their organization’s overall security posture.

Using Log Management for Compliance

It’s that time of the year again. The annual and dreaded IT and security audit is ramping up. You just received the documentation list and need to pull everything together. You have too much real work to do, but you need to prove your compliance posture to this outsider. Using log management for compliance monitoring and documentation can make audits less stressful and time-consuming.

5 Critical Cybersecurity Strategies for Remote Work Environments

Accommodating the sudden and massive increase in remote work environments raises major cybersecurity and logistics challenges, for every sized business in every industry. Even organizations that have an existing remote work infrastructure will need to scale it and protect it more than ever - and quickly. In this webinar, Keeper CEO and Co-founder, Darren Guccione, will explain how organizations can maintain robust cybersecurity while the majority of the global workforce works from home or other remote locations.

How to Mitigate the Risk of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks are rapidly increasing in frequency and cost. According to security experts, ransomware was a $20 billion industry in 2021, with an attack happening every 11 seconds according to Cybersecurity Ventures. Organizations victimized by these attacks can lose access to their networks and data, incur steep financial losses, and suffer significant reputation damage. Watch our on-demand webinar of world-renowned cybersecurity expert Dr. Eric Cole and Keeper CEO Darren Guccione for a forward-looking conversation around.
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ITOps vs. SecOps vs. DevOps vs. DevSecOps

ITOps, SecOps, and DevOps may sound similar. Indeed, they are similar - to a degree. But they have different areas of focus, different histories, and different operational paradigms. Keep reading for an overview of what ITOps, SecOps, and DevOps mean and how they compare. We'll also explain where DevSecOps fits into the conversation - and why you shouldn't worry so much about defining these terms perfectly as you should about finding ways to operationalize collaboration between your various teams.