Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


VIP Identity Breaches Demo with UpGuard's Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert

Learn from UpGuard's Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert, as he introduces you to UpGuard's new VIP Identity Breaches feature. Ensure that you're the first to know if any of your organization's executives are exposed to a data breach by adding them to a VIP list.

Monitoring Cyber Threats Tied to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Beyond the disturbing images of the invasion of Ukraine that began February 24 are the invisible cyberattacks that preceded it and continue to be waged on Ukraine by Russian state-sponsored and other threat actors, which also threaten the West. Vedere Labs, Forescout’s threat intelligence and research team, is closely monitoring the evolution of cyber activities connected to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

What is Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM)?

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlements Management (CIEM) is a cloud security solution used to manage identities and cloud permissions through the principle of least privilege (POLP). CIEM uses machine learning and analytics to detect anomalies in account permissions within multi-cloud environments.

Reverse Proxy Vs. Load Balancer

A reverse proxy server (or reverse proxy) facilitates a user’s requests to a web server/application server and the server’s response. A load balancer receives user requests, distributes them accordingly among a group of servers, then forwards each server response to its respective user. From the brief definitions above, it’s clear that reverse proxies and load balancers have some overlapping functionalities.

Want to improve collaboration and reduce incident response time? Try Cloud SOAR War Room

In the last twenty years, more technology has been produced since the beginning of human history. And while we have talked about industrial automation since 1952, the complexity of today’s cybersecurity analyst activities makes the need to embrace automation paramount.