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Webinar: Top Security Threats Worldwide: Q4 2021 - 5 Apr 2022

Join WatchGuard CSO Corey Nachreiner and Security Operations Analyst Trevor Collins as they cover the latest Internet Security Report from the WatchGuard Threat Lab. In this session, Trevor and Corey will dive into the attack trends and latest malware variants targeting WatchGuard Firebox and EPDR customers worldwide.

Ransomware Attacks: How to Mitigate Risk and Protect Your Data

Ransomware is not a new threat, but the tactics that attackers are using to access corporate infrastructures and steal resources has evolved. With the continuation of remote work and data being stored on the cloud, attackers only need to compromise one user, app or device to gain access.

Get the Response to Spring4Shell Right: Best Practices for Immediate Remediation

With more than 38 percent of our customers impacted by the recently discovered Spring4 Shell zero-day vulnerability and more than 33 percent of impacted organizations having already remediated (removed) some or all their vulnerable libraries, I have been involved in many conversations over this incident.

Legacy systems still in use: making a cybersecurity case for modernisation

What does the term “Legacy Systems” mean to you? What image does it conjure up? Well, the word “legacy” can mean “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.” For example, the “legacy of the ancient philosophers”, or perhaps “legacy of ancient IT professionals.” A legacy is something that is passed from one generation to the next.

Modern Security Operations Center Framework

With agile development, the software development life cycle has evolved, with a focus on customer satisfaction to enhance product features based on user feedback. This helps shorten the time to market, since teams can release a minimally viable product, then continuously improve its features. The agile technique encourages team cooperation through sprints, daily standups, retrospectives, testing, quality assurance and deployment.