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Insider Risk: Are You Monitoring Employees Working Outside Your Network?

Every employee is hired to do a job, but every employee also represents potential risk to their company. In the past year, 68% of employers have noted an increase in insider attacks. The top attacks include fraud, monetary gain and IP theft and cost companies millions of dollars. One major reason for an increase in insider risk in the past year is remote work. Not only are people outside of their manager’s physical view, they are often working outside of their company’s network.

Random but Memorable - Episode 9.2: Minority Report Super Computer with David Bader

This week we discover the real-world capabilities of supercomputers in cybersecurity and how data analysis can uncover insider threats with Distinguished Professor David Bader. We also wind back the clock and look at how far computing has come, from David's work building the first ever Linux supercomputer to the revolutionary chip inside the PlayStation 3. 🎮 🖥

Microsoft: Faster, Secure Open Source Code with WhiteSource

WhiteSource provides a simple yet powerful solution for companies to manage the open source components in their application. WhiteSource is designed for security and software development teams, to give managers the control and visibility over the vulnerabilities in their app and developers to tools to quickly fix what matters.

Microsoft Developers Trust WhiteSource for Fast, Secure Open Source Best Practices

WhiteSource provides a simple yet powerful solution for companies to manage the open source components in their application. WhiteSource is designed for security and software development teams, to give managers the control and visibility over the vulnerabilities in their app and developers to tools to quickly fix what matters.

Tax Season Scams Are Here Again - How to Mitigate Risk

Ransomware has dominated the headlines the last couple of years. But it might surprise you to hear that another scourge—business email compromise (BEC)—accounted for 49 times more in losses in 2021. As reported in the FBI’s latest Internet Crime Report, BEC cost organizations and individuals $2.4 billion versus $49.2 million for ransomware. In fact, more than a third of total cybercrime last year can be attributed to BEC.