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How Human Intelligence Is Supercharging CrowdStrike's Artificial Intelligence

There is a new trope in the security industry, and it goes something like this: To keep yourself safe, you need an AI-powered solution that can act on its own, and to do that, you need to keep those pesky humans away from it. As a practitioner with a track record of bringing AI to cybersecurity — not because marchitecture demands it these days but because of its actual utility to solve security problems — I find this characterization puzzling.

Multiple Critical Vulnerabilities Disclosed in VMware Products

On Wednesday, April 6, 2022, VMware disclosed several critical-severity vulnerabilities impacting multiple VMware products. If successfully exploited, the vulnerabilities could lead to Remote Code Execution (RCE) or Authentication Bypass. In addition to the critical severity vulnerabilities, VMware disclosed several high and medium severity vulnerabilities, which could lead to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Local Privilege Escalation (LPE), or Information Disclosure.

Wi-Fi in WatchGuard Cloud - Unboxing the Wi-Fi 6 AP432

Join Sr Sales Engineer, Martin Lethbridge, as he unboxes WatchGuard’s AP432. Perfect for high-density indoor environments that need lightning-fast connectivity and secure WPA3 encryption. Managed in WatchGuard Cloud, this Wi-Fi 6 access point is essential to deploying a wireless network that supports the most demanding of needs.

Multi-tenant Cloud Architecture

Today organizations have been able to recognize over the years the benefits of implementing a Cloud-based SIEM Service in terms of scalability, cost, and security. However, before operating in the cloud, you should know what architecture you need to adopt to protect your business and your customers’ data. Intending to help you implement a cost-effective SaaS SIEM Service, we share the advantages of multi-tenant over a single-tenant cloud architecture.

Endpoint management: A must-have for the financial sector

It’s almost that time of the year to file taxes in Portugal, so John opens the email he received asking him to submit his taxes. It’s from a bank he trusts, so he follows the instructions in the email and proceeds to download the attached PDF. Little did he know that when he clicked the links in the email body, the Lampion trojan was downloaded from an online server.

Comparing SSH Keys - RSA, DSA, ECDSA, or EdDSA?

This blog post was originally released on 08/26/20. What’s worse than an unsafe private key? An unsafe public key. The “secure” in secure shell comes from the combination of hashing, symmetric encryption, and asymmetric encryption. Together, SSH uses cryptographic primitives to safely connect clients and servers. In the 25 years since its founding, computing power and speeds in accordance with Moore’s Law have necessitated increasingly complicated low-level algorithms.

Java Spring vulnerabilities

Several vulnerabilities for Java Spring framework have been disclosed in the last hours and classified as similar as the vulnerability that caused the Log4Shell incident at the end of 2021. However, as of the publishing of this report, the still ongoing disclosures and events on these vulnerabilities suggest they are not as severe as their predecessor.

Navigating a Heightened Cyber Threat Environment

Cyber risk has never been completely independent of world politics and international affairs, but in recent weeks, there has been a significant shift in alignment. The domain of physical war has closer ties to the digital sphere than ever before. As part of efforts to manage elevated cyber risk, it is vital to understand the short-term impact and longer-term risk of current events, and where focus should be placed to achieve the best defense.