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Announcing Keeper One-Time Share

Ever need to share a password with someone, maybe a friend, a contractor or a business associate but they don’t have a Keeper account? Keeper is pleased to announce the launch of One-Time Share, a new feature that lets Keeper users securely share records with anyone on a time-limited basis, without the recipient having to create a Keeper account.

Prue Leith Educates the Nation on Digital Cookies

Renowned celebrity baker, Prue Leith, is helping to educate the nation on digital cookies as research shows that over a third of Brits (35%) don’t know what they actually are or what they do. The research, commissioned by Avast, revealed more than four in five (85%) of UK adults have accepted cookies on a website without reading any of the policies or making any changes, yet nearly seven in ten (68%) agree they could be risking their online privacy by doing so.

What is Privileged Access Management (PAM)?

Privileged account management is the process of identifying, controlling and monitoring privileged accounts and their associated activity. Privileged accounts are typically high-level administrator accounts that have broad access rights across an organisation’s IT systems. Because of their elevated level of access, these accounts pose a significant risk if they were to fall into the wrong hands.

Q1 2022 Threat Landscape Briefing: Threat Actors Target Email for Access and Extortion

In Q1 2022, Kroll observed an 54% increase in phishing attacks being used for initial access when compared to Q4 2021. For the first time since the Microsoft Exchange vulnerabilities in Q1 2021, email compromise surpassed ransomware as the top threat incident type observed.

What is the NIST Supply Chain Risk Management Program?

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is a federal agency under the responsibility of the US Department of Commerce. Established in 1901 to promote innovation and industrial competitiveness in the US, NIST helps organizations advance measurement science, technology, and standards to improve the quality of life for citizens and enhance economic security.

What Sets SecurityScorecard Apart!

Here are 3 things that set SecurityScorecard apart from the competition: Massive data set: We’ve rated 12 million organizations worldwide. If an organization is not on the data set, it takes us just a few minutes to rate it while our competitors take days to do the same. Huge marketplace of applications and services: We have 100s of partners that enrich the value of our platform.

Why Risk Intelligence is Today's Top Security Priority

$132.94 billion. That’s the size of the cybersecurity market today. But despite the massive investment in money, time, and expertise, organizations have never been more at risk of an attack. What’s causing the disconnect? Despite all the effort to ensure security, there is an equally massive and growing effort to exploit vulnerable organizations.

Kubernetes security multidimensional single pane of glass experience

One of the most used buzzwords in our industry is "single pane of glass". But what does it really mean? In most cases, it means a single dimension – either cross-infrastructure or cross-functionality or cross-organization. It usually never AND. Most likely, it's OR. So you will need to use multiple single-pane-of-glass products This led to an interesting discussion between us. Is it a single-pane for all the K8s clusters? Or single-pane for all the K8s security capabilities/functionalities?