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Log Management for Shared Responsibility Model Compliance

Adoption of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications means navigating the Shared Responsibility Model. Under the Shared Responsibility Model, the cloud services provider takes care of the infrastructure’s security, but you need to secure what happens within that environment. According to the State of Cloud Native Security Report, 50% of companies surveyed reported that maintaining comprehensive security remained a challenge.

The State of Data Security: The Human Impact of Cybercrime from Rubrik Zero Labs

Rubrik Zero Labs is excited to share “The State of Data Security: The Human Impact of Cybercrime”. This in-depth global study commissioned by Rubrik and conducted by Wakefield Research gives businesses around the world a deeper look into the challenges that IT and security decision-makers face, the effects of those challenges, and subsequent solutions. This study engaged over 1,600 senior IT and cybersecurity leaders with more than half at the CIO and CISO level.

Teleport Kubernetes Demo | Setup, RBAC, Event Auditing

In this video, we'll look at how to manage Kubernetes access with Teleport. We'll set up a Teleport cluster, securely add a Kubernetes cluster to be managed in Teleport, do a deep dive on controlling access to Kubernetes with Teleport's RBAC system, and end with an overview of Teleport's built-in auditing capabilities.

Are Browser Password Managers Safe?

Using your browser’s password manager to save the passwords for all your accounts can be tempting. Although it seems like it’s going to be the most seamless experience, it’s actually not. Browser password managers are not safe because they are not encrypted and they can be easily compromised – leading to your passwords also being compromised and more. Read on to learn why browser password managers are not safe to utilize.

What is penetration testing and why is it important to use a CREST-approved provider?

As digital business becomes more widespread, the need to ensure data security increases. One way to test its effectiveness is through penetration testing. Penetration tests are performed by ‘ethical hackers’ who attempt to gain access to systems and data to find vulnerabilities. By doing so, businesses can then take steps to mitigate these risks. Companies should consider penetration testing as an essential part of their overall security strategy.

KillNet Operations Against U.S. Targets Persist With Attempted Airport Website Attacks

In October, BleepingComputer reported that the websites of several airports were experiencing service disruptions after the KillNet threat actor group announced that they would target airports throughout the U.S.