Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Snyk Workflows - Basic Workflows (IDE & CLI)

Snyk integrates with your IDEs, repos, workflows, and automation pipelines to add security expertise to your toolkit. The “menu” of options available to you is extensive, so we created this three-part series to get you started and running. The first session covers basic workflows in the IDE and CLI. You’ll learn to proactively plan how to leverage Snyk in different places and different ways. We will cover basic workflows and how to use them, as well as quick tips.

How the Healthcare Industry Can Prevent Data Breaches

According to a report released by IBM and Ponemon, the healthcare sector has the highest rates of security breaches and cyber attacks globally. The average cost of a data breach for healthcare organizations is around $10.1 million, while the global average for all industries sits around less than half of that amount, at about $4.35 million.

How a vCISO can help you with ISO 27001 compliance

Information security is a major concern for many businesses for two reasons. Firstly is persistent threat of cyber attacks and data breaches. That’s why strong information security is a requirement to ensure the security of business and personal data. Secondly, it’s a key business enabler, with a push in recent times for all parts of a supply chain to become ISO 27001 certified.

Denial-of-Service Attacks: History, Techniques & Prevention

As its name indicates, Denial of Service (DoS) is any cyberattack that renders the target service inaccessible to legitimate users and information systems. That is, you're trying to access a web page or web service and it's just down, not working. The most common way attackers achieve this is by flooding the host servers and network with excessive traffic, such that the host server crashes or fails to respond in an acceptable duration. The denial-of-service style of attack is a common one.

When is the right time for vulnerability scanning?

All it takes for cybercriminals to breach your mission-critical networks, database, and IT systems is a single unpatched vulnerability. To prevent this and maintain good cyber hygiene, you need to obtain real-time vulnerability data. ‍ Vulnerability scans generate a lot of data that when analyzed reveal several security flaws.