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Top Cheap EV Code Signing Certificate Providers 2023

Software publishing companies with additional security requirements always prefer EV Code Signing Certificate. But with the increase of Certificate Authorities and providers, it gets complex for most firms to find a reliable vendor. We have solved the complexity for you, as further you will get details about the top EV Code Signing Certificate providers. And the bonus part is that all mentioned authorities offer solutions at cheap price and never compromises with quality.

Symmetric Encryption vs. Asymmetric Encryption? How it Works and Why it's Used

Cybersecurity is a top priority for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. With the rise of cybercrime in recent years, it’s more important than ever to ensure that sensitive data is kept safe and secure. That’s where encryption comes in. Encryption is the process of encoding data so that only authorized users can access it. There are two main types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

This Valentine's Day, Swipe Left on Hackers

Online dating is one of the fastest-growing industries in the tech world. Online dating has quickly become a sustainable way to remain social and have a relationship with someone other than your cat. But what are the chances that you’ll be swiping right on a hacker? Mobile analytics platform, Adjust, reports that in 2021, 300 million adults used dating apps worldwide with 20 million users paying for premium features.

Scam Scanner: AppWork is a legit platform

In today's digital age, fraud and scams on the Internet are becoming increasingly common, making it difficult for users to distinguish genuine platforms from fraudulent ones. In this article, we want to talk about AppWork and explain why it is a legitimate platform. Whether you are a novice user or have been using AppWork for a long time, this article is for you.

Monitoring domain user accounts with elevated access rights

3Standard users having elevated privileges is never good news. Accounts such as domain admins, enterprise admins, schema operators, krbtgt, administrators, and replicators, are a few privileged user groups within an Active Directory (AD) environment. The AdminCount attribute is an AD attribute set to “1” on privileged user accounts.

How to find and fix jQuery vulnerabilities

Using an outdated jQuery library can open up your web application to vulnerabilities. Read more to find out how to find and fix jQuery vulnerabilities. jQuery is among the oldest JavaScript libraries available online. It simplifies your coding and is used by countless websites. But there is an inherent danger that lies with outdated jQuery libraries: they are vulnerable to risks such as cross-site scripting.

Cybersecurity Is Necessary for Mission-Critical Energy Grids

Today’s energy sector is undergoing massive change, especially as more utilities try to usher in clean or renewable energy alternatives like solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and wind power. In addition to the clean energy transition, grid modernization is another major shift in the energy industry. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is expected to transform the energy grid and support modernization efforts.

How to protect organizations against Brute Force Attacks

A brute force attack is an attempt to reveal passwords and login credentials in order to gain access to network resources. These attacks are mainly done with the purpose of gaining unauthorized, and undetected access to compromise systems. Threat actors usually prefer this attack method since it is simple to carry out, and can cause significant damage. Once a person’s credentials are revealed, the attacker can log in, generally unnoticed.