Following up from our previous Kubernetes Essential Policy Toolkit Deeper Dive, we’re excited to announce upcoming enhancements to Terraform use cases in Styra DAS and take a deeper dive into the Styra DAS Terraform policy toolkit. With the enhanced Styra DAS Terraform policy toolkit, we’re making it even easier for platform engineering and cloud infrastructure teams to support their company’s application developers while delivering secure and compliant infrastructure configurations.
Enterprises require multiple tools for cyber defense, so network and information security staff often end up managing a patchwork of solutions, a blend of legacy and new technologies. If they find and deploy solutions that solve several business and security problems at once, they can reduce costs, logistics, and headaches while helping the business grow and innovate.
Since the earliest digital days, cyberattackers have targeted identities in their quests for riches, chaos and even revenge. So, what if we could hop into a flux capacitor-equipped DeLorean, hammer-down to 88 mph, and go back in time to better understand how yesterday’s threats influence today’s landscape – and what history can teach us about outpacing adversaries? Today, we do that – and a whole lot more – with a fantastic guest: Theresa Payton.
A modern business needs to secure both physical networks and mobile devices. Here's what you need to know about mobile threat defense services.