Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Why the Phishing Blame Game Misses the Point

Phishing is a big problem that’s getting even bigger as cybercriminals find new ways to hook employees. With threats coming from every direction – emails on company computers, text and voice messages on mobile devices and in personal communications channels, malicious typosquatting sites, phony marketing QR codes and more – it’s only a matter of time before someone trips up and opens or clicks on something they shouldn’t.

The State of Secrets Detection in SaaS Apps

Welcome to our first ever The State of Secrets Security in SaaS Apps, an in-depth look at what security risks are posed by the data stored in organizations' SaaS applications. As companies have adopted a remote-first approach to work, these solutions have increasingly been used to send and store passwords, secrets, and API keys.

Fireblocks BUIDLathon offers $25k bounty at ETHDenver '23

Fireblocks will host the first-ever Fireblocks BUIDLathon at this year’s ETHDenver, the largest and longest-running ETH-focused event in the world. With $25,000 in prizes up for grabs, the Fireblocks BUIDLathon is an exciting chance to gain early access to a Fireblocks Developer Sandbox to build new Web3 products. Read on to learn everything you need to know about the competition.

GraphQL Tutorial in 2 Minutes

What is GraphQL? In this quick 2-minute video, you'll learn the basics of GraphQL and how it compares to REST APIs. GraphQL is a query language that enables developers to retrieve the exact data they need from an API, rather than over-fetching or under-fetching data, while REST API requires multiple requests to retrieve the same data. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to define a schema, create queries, and make requests to a GraphQL API.

DevSecOps - Why, When & How?

Delve into the responsibilities and importance of DevSecOps , and address several crucial aspects of DevSecOps, including the ideal timing for implementation, the responsibilities and qualifications of the team or individual responsible for managing the DevSecOps function, KPIs for evaluating success, and the direction in which the role of DevSecOps is evolving. Our Panelists: Alexander “Sasha” Barshay DevSecOps Team Lead @Qwilt Rom Carmel CEO Heath Newburn Distinguished Field Engineer @Pagerduty Idan Pinto DevSecOps @fiverr.

Top 8 Reasons Why Stricter ID Verification Is Helpful for Business

A strict ID verification system is important for your business. Strong security, top-notch customer service, and having a reputation as a reliable company help your business grow. We have some tips for you about why business online ID verification is essential.

How to Tell If a Website is Legit

The internet is used for just about everything in our lives: to pay bills, shop, stream movies, attend school, work remotely and more. Since we are now online more than ever, cybercriminals are always coming up with new ways to steal data. One way is by leading people to illegitimate websites, which is why it’s crucial that you know how to spot a legitimate site from a phony one.