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Lateral Movement to the Cloud with Pass-the-PRT

Attackers use a variety of tactics to spread laterally across on-premises Windows machines, including Pass-the-Ticket, Pass-the-Hash, Overpass-the-Hash and Golden Tickets attacks. But similar techniques are also effective in moving laterally from a compromised workstation to connected cloud resources, bypassing strong authentication measures like MFA. This article explains how attackers can perform lateral movement to the cloud with an attack called Pass-the-PRT.

The Crucial Role of Log Management in Compliance

In today’s digital landscape, businesses face a multitude of regulatory requirements designed to safeguard sensitive data and protect individuals’ privacy. Compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, GLBA, CMMC, PCI, and others has become paramount, making it essential for organizations to have robust log management solutions in place.

We Need Diversity In Cyber Security - Paul Dwyer

Paul Dwyer talks about diversity in cyber security. Paul Dwyer Paul C Dwyer stands among the world’s leading cybersecurity, risk, and compliance authorities. As CEO of Cyber Risk International, he excels in corporate and enterprise security, crafting cyber defence programs, and safeguarding business operations for clients. He also serves as the founder and President of the ICTTF International Cyber Threat Task Force, leading a community of over 30,000 professionals in their mission to combat cyber threats and promote industry diversity.

What a Baseline Configuration Is and How to Prevent Configuration Drift

Configuration drift seems inevitable — the gradual but unintentional divergence of a system’s actual configuration settings from its secure baseline configuration. Proper configuration of your infrastructure components is vital for security, compliance and business continuity, but setting changes are often made without formal approval, proper testing and clear documentation.

4 things to identify and fix in your GPOs

Group Policy Objects (GPOs) act as a security layer in your infrastructure. They enforce rules, regulate permissions, and affect policies across the network. Do you want to assign additional privileges to certain groups? Delete a security group? Modify password policies across the network? Prevent software installations on critical systems? All of these and more can be accomplished using GPOs.

Unleashing the Power of Passphrases: Authentication That Is Secure and Memorable

The National Institute of Standards and Technology recommends using longer passphrases instead of passwords for authentication purposes. Passphrases improve an organization’s security posture and reduce the risk of data breaches: they are more complex, easier to remember, and more resistant to cyber-attacks.