Your organization’s cybersecurity ecosystem is complex. It covers a wide range of internal digital assets but also extends beyond the network perimeter to other entities, such as vendors, suppliers, and cloud service providers—making you increasingly vulnerable to cyber risk. To secure this ecosystem, you need both an outside-in and inside-out perspective of vulnerabilities and risks.
Analysis of Microsoft Power Platform’s security features revealed limitations that could expose organizations to security risks, such as difficulty enforcing DLP policies for pre-existing resources and issues with HTTP calls or custom connectors.
The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. In today's digital age, sensitive information is constantly being shared and transmitted over various electronic devices and networks.
Ransomware attacks target organizations or individuals using malware that takes systems or data hostage until a ransom is paid on the promise that a decryption key will then be sent to the organization. There are two main forms of ransomware, non-encrypting ransomware, and crypto ransomware. Non-encrypting, or screen-locking ransomware, locks victims out of their device entirely and is the least common form of ransomware used by cybercriminals.
Security automation refers to the process of automatic detection, inspecting, and remediation of cyber threats. This can be done with or without the aid of humans by using specific applications built for the purpose. This minimally human-assisted process is used for integrating security flows, applications, and organizational infrastructure. This Blog Includes show Why Is IT Security Automation Important?
Bytesafe is a secure package management solution that helps organizations of all sizes protect their software supply chains from known vulnerabilities and other threats. In our commitment to enhance the security of open-source ecosystems, today we are excited to announce the availability of Bytesafe Community Edition, a free and open source version of our software that is available.
Non-humans are everywhere these days. Sure, you’ve seen the much-deserved hype about how AI-powered tools like ChatGPT are going to change everything. But there are plenty of more mundane non-human entities that you interact with in your daily life: the smart thermostat program that knows to cool down your house at a certain time every day, the application on your phone that suggests directions to a place you’ve searched for, and many others.