Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Security Audit Results for Our Open Source Products

We now live in an era where the security of all layers of the software stack is immensely important, and simply open sourcing a code base is not enough to ensure that security vulnerabilities surface and are addressed. At Gravitational, we see it as a necessity to engage a third party that specializes in acting as an adversary, and provide an independent analysis of our sources.

Kubernetes Security at RSA: The Time is Now

The RSA Conference—”Where the World Talks Security”—begins today. It’s a perfect time to take a hard look at security, and to investigate new solutions that help us all stay ahead of attacks and minimize risks. The team from Styra and Open Policy Agent will be there—eager to discuss advances in security for the cloud-native world.

How to fix Error 429: Too Many Requests

Your application is running smoothly. Tests have passed. Suddenly you start to see 429 error responses from an API. As the name implies, you have made too many requests and your application has been rate limited. The 429 (Too Many Requests) error is an HTTP status code that often occurs when you've hit a request limitation of an API.

Dawn of a new decade: Leaping from GRC to IRM - A building block approach

First things first: It is crucial to understand the difference between Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and Integrated Risk Management (IRM) because this sets the stage for long term strategic risk management and breaks down the siloed approach to risk that exists in many organizations today. It is because GRC is sometimes implemented from a compliance-driven strategy rather than a risk driven initiative.

Office 365 Incident Response Management

After they entered, they may have left all the other windows and doors open Before working in cyber-security, I once worked at a company, when I was approached to look at another staff member’s email account which was “acting a bit funny”. When I looked, I found the sent mailbox was filling every 5 seconds with a new sent email, each to a seemingly random recipient, each purporting to be able to help the recipients “Meet girls” or “enlarge” one’s whatnot.

Climbing the Vulnerability Management Mountain: Reaching Maturity Level 4

The climb is getting steeper, but thanks to hard work, vision and insight are much keener. At ML:4, all assets are scanned by a combination of agent and remote scans on a normal cadence. This will generate a lot of data dictated by threat and patch priority. Thousands of new vulnerabilities are released each year, and no company or product can detect all of them. Organizations must prioritize their coverage of vulnerabilities that they determine will have the biggest impact.

What is HECVAT (Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit)?

The Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Tool (HECVAT) is a security assessment template that attempts to generalize higher education information security and data protection questions and issues regarding cloud services for consistency and ease of use. HECVAT has various versions that are free to use and provide a consistent, streamlined third-party risk assessment framework.