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Why Is Cyber Resilience Essential and Who's Responsible for It?

In part one of this cyber resilience blog series, we discussed what it means to be a resilient organization. For part two, let’s discuss why organizations need to consider these challenges and who’s responsible for addressing them. Whilst asking why an organization may need to be resilient sounds a bit silly, I can say from experience that just because something seems obvious doesn’t mean it’s not quite a bit of work.

Top Email Security Threats of 2020 - How To Stop Them

As hackers’ methods become more sophisticated, the scale of email security breaches and the frequency at which they occur grow greater with each passing year. In 2019 alone, an estimated 2 billion unique email addresses, accompanied by over 21 million unique passwords, were exposed within a single data breach.

Delivering on Data's Promise Requires a Personal Touch

I have often heard it said that "data is the new oil" - it has value if it can be extracted and used correctly. How to extract value and leverage this opportunity - and occasional threat - is what I most commonly hear is keeping today's executives awake at night. From mom-and-pop shops to global enterprises, within nonprofits and the public sector, every leader wants to become data-driven. Unlocking the power of data is, obviously, critical to success.

The Top Node.js HTTP Libraries in 2020

Out of the box, Node.js offers the http library for making requests, but it isn't particularly user friendly and requires some customization before it can be easily used. As a result, a large ecosystem of third-party libraries have emerged to make AJAX and HTTP requests easier. Some offer cross-platform (browser and Node.js) support, while others focus on bundle size or developer experience. With some many options, how do you choose?

Avoiding SMB Rate Limits During Authentication Attacks

During a penetration test, it's not an uncommon practice for a penetration tester to launch a password attack against Active Directory. Many times this password attack uses a list of domain user accounts that were enumerated or even just a list of potential domain user accounts that were generated randomly. Many penetration testers will either perform just a single password attack or at least 2-3 attempts, depending on domain's password lockout policy is set to.

Using SharePoint as a Knowledge Management System: Pros and Cons

Can IT departments build a secure, compliant and usable knowledge management solution with Microsoft software? We’ll look at the advantages and disadvantages of using Microsoft SharePoint as a knowledge management system and what can be done to enhance and extend the platform’s capabilities.

What is the Next Generation Threat Hunting

The FBI recently reported that in 2019, cybercrime cost businesses $3.5 billion, a number they say is likely grossly underestimated. Another study from Accenture that spanned 11 countries across 16 industries found that the complexity of attacks is also increasing. As a result, the average cost of cybercrime for an organization grew from $1.4 million to $13.0 million.

Why vendor management is a cornerstone of security

When it comes to building a security program, one of the most frequently overlooked areas is that of vendor management. Organizations focus significant resources on internal security, such as vulnerability scans, centralized log management, or user training, while not extending the same diligence towards their third-parties. Organizations end up trusting the security of their network and data to an unknown and untested third-party. As we all know, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.