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How to Prevent Industrial Espionage

Every organization needs to keep tabs on other players in the industry in order to stay competitive. It’s common for an organization to analyze a competitor’s website, perform secret shopping trips, and monitor a competitor’s marketing strategies. This type of competitive research is perfectly legal. But if an organization unlawfully obtains another company’s sensitive information, it is considered industrial espionage, which is illegal.

What is Adaptive Threat Protection?

According to McAfee, Adaptive Threat Protection (ATP) is an endpoint security’s optional module that analyzes organizational content and decides action based on file rules, reputation, and reputation thresholds. According to another source, the ATP is a security model that monitors threats, improves cybersecurity risks changes, and evolves to meet the need for security systems that are integrated with IT for continuous deployment, as well as in hybrid environments and the virtual cloud.

Launching Desktop Central Cloud: Embrace UEM the SaaS way!

Desktop Central is a holistic unified endpoint management (UEM) solution that offers a dynamic approach to securing and managing user devices, including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Already established as a leader in the UEM field, ManageEngine adds another feather to its cap by now offering a cloud-based UEM solution. Desktop Central Cloud gives you 360-degree control over all your network endpoints.

Cosmic Lynx: The Highly-Professional Cybercrime Gang Scamming Businesses Out of Millions of Dollars

Things just got serious. Business Email Compromise is no longer solely the province of chancers and opportunistic Nigerian actors such as the Yahoo Boys. Organised criminal gangs with a high level of professionalism have seen the opportunity and seized it. Security researchers at Agari have published a report detailing their investigations into a Russian cybercrime gang they say have stolen millions of dollars from companies in 46 countries since mid-2019.

The growing importance of endpoint security monitoring

Indeed, with millions of employees now working from remote locations and new services being rolled out to support them, the traditional security perimeter has vanished before our eyes. This has created a significant challenge for the security teams tasked with defending their organisations against threats – a challenge made even harder when the tactics and techniques of cybercriminals are constantly evolving.

PCI Audit Interview Questions

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) defines the framework for protecting cardholder data. The framework was developed by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) and enables organizations to assess how well they are protecting cardholder data, training staff, and conducting PCI DSS audits. PCI compliance and accepting credit cards go hand in hand.

Now GA: Data-in-Transit Encryption in Calico v3.15

We’re excited to announce that the latest release of Calico includes encryption for data-in-transit. Calico is the open source networking and network security solution for containers, virtual machines, and host-based workloads, offering connectivity and security for container workloads. One of Calico’s best-known security features is its implementation of Kubernetes Network Policy, providing a way to secure container workloads by restricting traffic to and from trusted sources.

The automation hype is real for SOC teams: unpacking the Dimensional Research "2020 State of SecOps and Automation" report

As more and more enterprises shift to the cloud, the pressure on SOC teams to protect them against threats rises exponentially. They are the very first line of defense against data breaches and cyber threats that become more frequent and more sophisticated.

Stories from the SOC - Credential Dumping

During the Investigation of a Suspicious Security Critical Event alarm, we discovered credentials had been dumped from the NTDS.dit, which is a database that stores Active Directory data, including password hashes for all users in the domain. By extracting these hashes, it’s possible for an attacker to use tools to gain access to user’s passwords, which allows them to act as any user on the domain, including the administrator.