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How to Use SSH Agent Safely

The SSH agent (ssh-agent) is an SSH key manager that stores the SSH key in a process memory so that users can log into SSH servers without having to type the key’s passphrase every time they authenticate with the server. In addition to the key management feature, SSH agent supports agent forwarding, which helps to authenticate with servers that sit behind a bastion or jump server.

NFTs - Protecting the investment

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the new player in the financial investment market. They’ve seen tremendous interest from a wide range of parties, whether that be institutional investors or retail hobbyists looking to find an angle. As with anything involving money, malicious actors are already starting to take hold; Insider magazine recently highlighted the 265 Ethereum (roughly $1.1 million) theft due to a fraudulent NFT scheme.

Key Criteria for Choosing Mobile App Security Solution Vendor

Mobile phone apps are more popular than ever with a rapidly expanding user base each year. They have literally made everything come to the fingertips of the users and there’s a significant demand for mobile apps for just about everything, generating great competition and pressure among app developers around the world.

DevSecOps in an Agile Environment

At first glance, DevSecOps and Agile can seem like different things. In reality, the methodologies often complement each other. Let’s see how. Agile is a methodology that aims to give teams flexibility during software development. DevSecOps is about adding automated security to an existing automated software development process. Both are methodologies that require high levels of communication between different stakeholders and continuous improvement as part of the process.

You Didn't Ask? Well, the SOC Evolution Answered Anyway

Let me begin by stating the obvious: The cyberattack surface is growing exponentially and diversely. Essentially, it’s a bigger shark and we’ve got the same small boat. The environments, platforms, services, regions and time zones that constitute modern enterprise operations and drive digital transformation for business continue to require increasing specialization and expertise beyond current in-house capabilities.

As "left" as it can get - find Kubernetes security issues while coding, not after

Kubescape is now available on the Visual Studio extension marketplace. Visual Studio code extensions are add-ons that allow developers to customize and enhance their experience in Visual Studio by adding new features or integrating 3rd party tools. An extension can range in all levels of complexity, but its main purpose is to increase developers’ productivity and cater to their workflow.

CrowdStrike Powers MXDR by Deloitte, Offering Customers Risk Mitigation with Powerful Customized and Managed Security Services

Deloitte, a leader in managed security services, has launched MXDR by Deloitte — a Managed Extended Detection and Response suite of offerings — within which the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform will power a number of solutions. MXDR by Deloitte combines an integrated, composable and modular managed detection and response SaaS platform with managed security services in a unified offering of advanced, military-grade threat hunting, detection, response and remediation capabilities.

Mind the MPLog: Leveraging Microsoft Protection Logging for Forensic Investigations

In an incident response investigation, CrowdStrike analysts use multiple data points to parse the facts of who, what, when and how. As part of that fact-finding mission, analysts investigating Windows systems leverage the Microsoft Protection Log (MPLog), a forensic artifact on Windows operating systems that offers a wealth of data to support forensic investigations. MPLog has proven to be beneficial in identifying process execution and file access on systems.

Bringing home the beacon (from Cobalt Strike)

Elastic Security engineers have documented a less tedious way to find network beaconing from Cobalt Strike. In their full analysis (), Elastic Security team researchers Andrew Pease, Derek Ditch, and Daniel Stepanic walk users through the Elastic fleet policy, how to collect the beacon, beacon configuration, how to analyze its activity, and how you can set it up in your organization’s environment.