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CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence Recon

CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence Recon enables organizations to better protect their brand, employees, and sensitive data by allowing security teams to easily conduct investigations of underground activity. By empowering security teams to conduct investigations in real time, they can proactively uncover fraud, data breaches, phishing campaigns and protect their brand from other online threats that target their organization.

Nowhere to Hide: 2022 CrowdStrike Falcon Overwatch Threat Hunting Report

Every year, CrowdStrike’s proactive 24/7 threat hunting team, Falcon OverWatch™, publishes its findings and technical analysis detailing the novel and prominent adversary tradecraft and emerging intrusion trends the team unearthed during the preceding 12-month period from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. This past year in particular, OverWatch observed striking shifts in how attackers design and deploy their attacks.

Protecting users with Falcon for Mobile

Falcon for Mobile expands EDR capabilities beyond the desktop by monitoring and recording activities taking place on mobile devices. By expanding coverage to include mobile, companies gain visibility necessary to detect attackers from other vectors and prevent malicious insider activity, all while stopping breaches. In this video, we'll show how Falcon for Mobile can protect mobile users.