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Hello CISO - Episode 7: Secrets management and infrastructure

Secrets management isn't just about usernames and passwords anymore, so how do you protect an infrastructure comprised of physical machines, virtual machines, and people all constantly exchanging secrets? In this episode of Hello CISO, Troy's talking secrets: how to protect them, and why the old way of thinking won't cut it anymore. To learn more about 1Password Secrets Automation, the new way to secure, orchestrate, and manage company secrets, visit

Random but Memorable - Episode 10.0: One Hundredth Episode Special

We're back with a bang with our 100th episode special! 💯🎉 Come and join the podcast gang as we reminisce over the show's random but memorable history. We also discuss THAT LastPass hack in Watchtower Weekly and talk about 1Password's acquisition of Passage and what it means for a passwordless future. Plus, we finally award our 100th Episode giveaway winners and get more random than ever in a game of Rapid Fire Security Questions! 🤪❓

Hello CISO - Episode 6: Managed Devices and Networks with Working from Home

IT isn't only about – or even primarily about – technology itself. IT is about people. Nowhere is that more apparent than in our homes, which is where many of us now conduct our work. How can IT protect a fleet of devices in multiple locations and across multiple networks? Find out in this episode of Hello CISO.

Unlock Any CLI Using Your Fingerprint With 1Password Shell Plugins

With 1Password Shell Plugins, you can forget about storing insecure plaintext keys on disk or manually typing credentials or MFA codes into your terminal. Instead, sign on to any CLI with your fingerprint. Install & configure the relevant plugins for your toolchain via the 1Password CLI and you’re all set. You can even build and contribute your own plugins as needed via the open-source community project.