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Breaking Containers to Improve Security: Docker and Snyk

What does a container exploit look like? What happens when someone breaks into your container? How can Docker and Snyk integration help you fix these problems? This Docker Workshop "Breaking Containers to Improve Security" answers these questions in a live hack demo. Snyk and Docker partner to power image scanning behind Docker Desktop and Docker Hub. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.

Snyk Code: An Introduction to Dev-First SAST

Conventional Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools are limited by lengthy scan times and poor accuracy – returning too many false positives. Sound familiar? That's why Snyk developed a new approach to finding and fixing code vulnerabilities with a developer-friendly experience – introducing: Snyk Code! Watch this live demo of Snyk Code to see how it integrates into Snyk's Cloud Native Application Security platform to help developers build software securely across the entire stack – including the code, open source, containers, Kubernetes, and IaC.

How Shutterstock Implemented DevSecOps from the Ground Up

Learn how Shutterstock’s Director of Product and Application Security, Christian Bobadilla, built security into the development culture of Shutterstock from the ground up. Christian will share his experience working with developers on embedding security throughout the SDLC, reducing vulnerabilities in their cloud native applications, and ultimately embracing a new security culture. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.

Best Practices for Securing Modern Cloud Native Applications with ActiveCampaign CISO

The benefits of cloud native development are undeniable – from rapid deployments to scaling operations. However, modern cloud native applications both solve and introduce new security risks at each layer of the application. Join Chaim Mazal, ActiveCampaign CISO, as he shares his experience in the cloud native space and offers tips for others. Mazal will discuss how he transformed ActiveCampaign’s security approach at each layer of stack – including 3rd dependencies, containerization, and infrastructure as code. Join us to learn the key strategies and unique insight for securing cloud native applications.

Vulnerability Assessment Using Datadog and Snyk

Vulnerability assessment for teams can often be overwhelming. This joint Datadog and Snyk session demonstrates the new integration between the two companies, which enables developers to precisely identify and prioritize code-level security fixes in production applications. Using a sample Java application, you'll see how Snyk surfaces vulnerability information at runtime inside the Datadog UI to help users triage fixes by not just seeing that a vulnerability exists but also how often they are exposed.