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Fireside Chat: Log4j and Injection Flaws

Join us for a fireside chat with Micah Silverman, Snyk's Director of DevSecOps Acceleration, and Vandana Verma, Security Relations Leader at Snyk, as we answer your #Log4Shell questions: What is it and how does it affect us? How do I find and fix the #Log4J vulnerability? What can other language ecosystems learn from this? We'll also talk about the OWASP Top 10 and injection flaws.

Don't panic, we'll get through Log4shell together

On December 10th, the world was greeted by the latest great cyber security threat, and the developer community globally is working tirelessly to secure their applications. Find out what the notorious Log4shell vulnerability is, how developers and organisations are being affected by it, and what exposed ecosystems are doing to mitigate the risk. Guests Brian Clark - Senior Developer Advocate at Snyk Kyle Suero - Senior Security Advocate at Snyk Chris Russell - CISO at tZERO Alyssa Miller - BISO - S&P Global Ratings

How to Scale Developer Security Using Snyk (Demo)

Emerging cloud-native technologies have shifted and expanded the scope of AppSec as we know it. Digital transformation and scale now hinges on developers’ ability to build and deploy rapidly – and doing so securely. Snyk’s developer security platform is designed to work like a developer tool – making it not only easy to find issues but to fix them quickly. In this recorded webinar, Jim Armstrong walks through a demo to show how developers can secure their proprietary code, open source libraries, container images, and infrastructure as code deployments.

Snyk Customer Story: ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign's Amar Patel, Engineering Manager, and Ben Harold, Senior Software Engineer share their experiences with Snyk. Snyk helps ActiveCampaign "identify vulnerabilities and communicate with upper management about the risks that need to be addressed." With Snyk, ActiveCampaign can gain get better insights into the risks on their platform and better address those risks in a more streamlined and frictionless manner.

Automating Container Runtime Security Scanning with Snyk

So you’re running microservices in containers? Congratulations! This is an important step towards meeting those business needs around delivering applications to the hands of your customers as soon as possible. But how can we mitigate any potential risks associated with faster software deployment while running on Kubernetes? Simple, with Snyk’s Kubernetes integration we can identify vulnerabilities in their associated images and configurations that might make those workloads less secure. Watch this video to find out how!

Java Security Tip: Sanitize user input

Java Security Quick Tip: Always santize user input before you display it in your web app. Displaying user input wideout proper validation or sanitization can lead to cross-site scripting security issues. With the OWASP Encoder library, you can escape scripts and be positive that they will not be executed in the users' browser. In this video I will answer the following questions Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for Java and many other languages.