Wi-Fi Network Definition and Importance
Nowadays, Wi-Fi networks are among the most commonly used networks, making them a go-to target for cyber attacks. An attacker with basic tools and knowledge can crack 70% of Wi-Fi networks.
Nowadays, Wi-Fi networks are among the most commonly used networks, making them a go-to target for cyber attacks. An attacker with basic tools and knowledge can crack 70% of Wi-Fi networks.
The lack of healthcare cybersecurity is one of the most significant threats to the sanctity of the global healthcare industry. This is made evident by the fact that in 2020 more than 18 million patient records were affected by successful cyber-attacks on the U.S. healthcare system. Health professionals should not take this issue lightly, as financial assets and intellectual property are at risk.
As we navigate through 2023, ransomware attacks continue to grow in scale and sophistication. This year has already witnessed an alarming number of high-profile incidents (at the time of writing), meaning ransomware attacks remain one of the most significant cybersecurity threats organizations face.
Do you recall one of the first really fun chemistry experiment you performed as a child? If your school followed the usual curriculum, then you probably made a model volcano and then added some baking soda to the opening, followed by the addition of vinegar. A variation of this experiment was to add the ingredients to a plastic bottle, then stretch a balloon over the mouth of the bottle to watch the balloon inflate with carbon dioxide gas.
Ransomware attacks are dominating news headlines, with ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operators actively seeking to exploit network vulnerabilities and infect unsuspecting victims. The healthcare sector and financial industry are especially vulnerable to ransomware attacks, as they store valuable personally identifiable data (PII) which can be misused to carry out lucrative crimes, like identity theft and fraud.
Today’s developers move at increasingly rapid speed – making it more critical than ever to identify and resolve code vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle. By tackling security early – instead of waiting until testing and deployment – engineering teams can reduce unnecessary patching and maintenance cycles, reduce risks, and ensure timely delivery of new features.
We’re excited to announce Nightfall’s partnership with Cribl, the high scale, data processing and observability platform. Cribl’s platform gives companies greater value out of their data by serving as the core plumbing connecting all of your data platforms, allowing users to set up workflows and extract essential data for processing, analysis, or storage.