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Is any organisation risk and data breach free?

I walked into a business the other day. After a long conversation about the client’s need for cybersecurity and the implementation of the ISO27001 security standard, we talked about their risk appetite. “We don’t accept any risk. We’re risk-averse” said the CEO. But, is this achievable?

The EU's new AI Act-What We Can Learn From the GDPR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming ubiquitous in supporting key business decisions, and for many organisations it is critical for their digital transformation and new business models. With organisations quickly driving forward to identify new ways to extract competitive value from their data, the regulators are preparing to step in.

Hack the Box Business CTF 2022: A hacking competition for companies

On 15th July 2022, a team of Bulletproof penetration testers took part in the online Hack the Box Business CTF competition. The CTF (Capture the Flag) event consisted of almost 3000 participants, with each player putting their ethical hacking expertise to use in a number of challenges. There were also prizes up for grabs for the top three teams on the leaderboard. This was the first year Bulletproof entered the competition and we look forward to competing in next year’s event.

What should a CISO's priorities be for reducing inbound and outbound email risk in M365?

While cybersecurity risks are similar across the board for any IT leader, it's down to each CISO to decide what takes priority. Before doing that, they need to assess the risks and plan accordingly for them. Unfortunately, many businesses don't do this. A 2022 UpCity study – the Small Business Cybersecurity Survey Investigations Report – found that only 50% of SMBs have a cybersecurity plan.

How and Why We Added Themes to the Rubrik SaaS Platform

Assume breach and recover faster Protect your data from the inevitable Recover safely, quickly, and precisely Assume breach and recover faster Register Now As a part of our continuous efforts towards modernizing the Rubrik SaaS platform, we recently added multi-theme support. We offer Bright and Dark themes, promoting consistency between different applications. Themes specify the colors of components, the darkness of the different surfaces, the level of shadow, and more.

Your Network Data Is Gold - Uncover It Faster With Forward Networks' NQE

Your network, security, and cloud teams spend a lot of time and energy trying to extract timely insights from your enterprise network data, so your organization stays on top of risks and continually improves network performance. But what if they could quickly search your network environment like a database to better understand everything in it — and whether those objects were operating as they should?

Keep Up With the Ever-evolving Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

It seems like the next flavor of cyberattack is always making the news, a constant reminder of how vigilant businesses need to be to try and keep themselves, their customers and their suppliers safe. Almost every organization of any size will have some sort of vulnerability assessment and management program, security hardening framework and basic training for employees to recognize malicious emails and phishing attacks.

Developer-first Security sucks! Why is it essential to automate product security?

Security teams focus on planning secure IT environments, but developers are asked to focus on productivity while they are also tasked with implementing these security plans. The main issue is that developers are often left out of security planning processes, creating a strained relationship between these two teams.

Checksum: How does it ensure security for your vital data?

A checksum is small code of computed information that deals with data integrity and security. It is vital for huge data files (in gigabytes) being downloaded from any online site. It checks whether the downloaded file is missing any bytes and is downloaded correctly. The checksum value changes even if there is a small change in the downloaded file or data.

Difference Between Black-Box Testing & White-Box Testing

A developer goes through different development and deployment rules for creating applications. Testing is an essential step in the development cycle. When it comes to software testing, many techniques need to be used from time to time. Yet the confusion around white, grey, and black testing techniques are most common among all software testing techniques. They often appear similar, yet the differences between them are very jarring.